Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Ray Kroc's Success in Growing McDonald's Restaurant

10 Success lessons from Ray Kroc – “Raise Your Game” for entrepreneurs

Ray Kroc was a businessman and entrepreneur, most famous for his feat in turning McDonalds from a local restaurant into the global empire that that serves in excess of 25 million people a day at nearly 20,000 outlets world wide. He first came into contact with the McDonald brothers when he sold them multi-mixers. Immediately after he visited the store in San Bernardino, he saw an opportunity that he could not ignore.

The McDonald brothers had the right ingredients for success – they just needed someone with the vision to drive and expand their business. And that person was Ray Kroc. Kroc’s ingenious approach and guiding principles are not only relevant but, include gems of wisdom every restaurant owner should know. His leadership and business sense helped make McDonald’s the biggest restaurant chain of all time and made more people (his franchisees) into millionaires than any one organization in history.

Here are the 10 Success lessons from Ray Kroc – “Raise Your Game” for entrepreneurs,

1. Having a big vision

While the McDonald’s brothers only saw a small restaurant business, Ray Kroc had much bigger plans in his mind. He had a great vision for what McDonald’s could become. With that vision, he spoke to the McDonald’s brothers to buy shares of the company.

He first envisioned 8 of these restaurants churning out burgers and making a steady stream of cash immediately, today, the McDonald’s arch is one of the most recognized logo in the world. Through his vision, he became one of the foremost business leaders of the world. While others see limitations, a leader sees opportunity and possibility. POSSIBILITIES!

2. Going to Work “On” The Business

When Ray Kroc secured the master franchising rights to McDonalds, he didn’t go to work “in” a McDonald’s “restaurant”. He went to work “on” McDonald’s “the business”. To Kroc, the first McDonald’s restaurant was just a model or prototype that could be reproduced again and again in cities and towns all over the country.

Instead of personally rolling up his sleeves to run the joint, he instead began analyzing every operational function of the original McDonald’s from purchasing to prep to the cooking and cleaning. Without changing the essence of the concept, he made refinements and proceeded to develop a comprehensive set of standards and procedures, essentially a SYSTEM for running a hamburger stand “the McDonald’s way”.


Kroc knew how to create opportunities for himself. After making a pitch to the McDonald’s brothers for nationwide expansion of their restaurants while still selling milkshake makers, the brothers asked who would manage their franchising division. Kroc replied “What about me?”

Kroc didn’t try to inspire the McDonald’s brothers to grow their business. He took advantage of the opportunity their disinterest in earning money offered him. As he later told a biographer, “I was obsessed with the idea of making McDonald’s the biggest and the best. They were content with what they had. They didn’t want to take risks and meet greater demands.” Kroc achieved success by caring about his business more than anyone else.

4. Love what you do

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” says Ray Kroc

Business should be about what you can provide for your customers, and how passionate you are about that. If the passion for your business and for your customers is not there, your business will die.

5. Be a risk taker

According to Kroc, “If you’re not a risk taker, you should get the hell out of business.”

Harsh words, maybe, but in Ray Kroc’s mind not taking any risks deprives you of the opportunity of being successful. Kroc took a small business model and began down a long expansion plan with absolutely no real idea of what the outcome would be. The fast-food industry was still very young, if non-existent, at the time when he embarked on his journey, but through perseverance, and his willingness to take risks and gamble on himself and his product, he came out on top as one of the most successful entrepreneurs.

6. Know Your Business

In their business plan, Ray knew that the primary business focus was to sell hamburger franchises, but what he never lost sight of was the location of each franchise. He knew that the real estate and its location was the most significant factor in the success of each franchise.

Basically, the person that bought the franchise was also paying for, buying, the land under the franchise for Ray Kroc’s organization. McDonald’s today is the largest single owner of real estate in the world, owning even more than the Catholic Church.

7. You must be relentless. PERSISTENCE! Determination!

Kroc was not one to sit around waiting for opportunity to strike and success to come immediately. He understood that transforming McDonalds into what it would become today would take a great deal of patience and effort. In this Kroc was a relentless businessman. When the McDonalds initially refused to sell the Big M to him, Kroc opened a McDonalds right across the street, and striving to outbid his competitors, worked to improve the quality of his product and services, until finally they caved and the historic deal for $2.7 million was finalized.

He once said of the dog-eat-dog world of business, “If any of my competitors were drowning, I’d stick a hose in their mouth and turn on the water.”

8. Shoot for perfection

Nothing in this world is perfect, but Ray Kroc did everything he could to ensure that his customers received quality service every time they came to a McDonalds restaurant, no matter where the restaurant was located. As McDonalds continued to grow, and Kroc was able to open more locations across the country, he needed to develop a system that would ensure every single customer received the exact same quality food and service.

To solve this problem Kroc expanded upon McDonalds’ assembly line set up. He set up standards for how the food was made and also how it was cooked, what the serving sizes were, and how McDonalds packaging and icons would appear.

9. Teamwork is the keys to success

Ray Kroc understood that teamwork is one of the most important elements to running a successful business, let alone a successful international conglomerate.

“None of us is as good as all of us,” he once said, and in order for him to expand his small one-unit restaurant across the United States and then overseas, he needed the help of loyal and dedicated employees. Kroc insisted McDonalds’ workers be treated respectfully in every location, setting up rules for fair treatment and respect for all employees, and also ensuring his workers had a comfortable and fair environment to work in.

10. Always stay grounded

“It’s easy to have principles when you’re rich. The important thing is to have principles when you’re poor.” says Ray Kroc.

Ray believed that your integrity should be unwavering, and that your principles should stay grounded regardless of your circumstances.

Keinginan utk Maju dan Melindungi Partner, Mana yang lebih penting??
*The Founder* 

Naik pesawat, senang sekali, melihat ada film FOUNDER di list-nya… langsung nonton 2x dan diulang2 di bagian agak bingung ngomongnya… hehehe (film kok ga ada text huruf jawa-nya, bingung neh)…

Inti ceritanya sih, bagaimana Ray Kroc (RK) membeli McD, dan menjadikan McD mendunia.

Ceritanya dimulai susahnya RK menjual mesin pengaduk susu utk membuat milkshake di Missouri tahun 1954. 

Menawarkan pengaduk milkshake ke 2 resto, dan ditolak semua. Kemudian saat istirahat, pesan makanan di resto drive-in menunggu lama, pesanan ga keluar – keluar, begitu keluar, salah lagi, tidak sesuai order dia.

Saat telpon ke kantor, pegawai kantor bilang ada order resto di San Bernardino, California yang pesan 6 mesin milkshake. RK heran dan kuatir ada yg salah order. Telpon lgs ke customer, dan customer menjawab memang dia order 6 mesin milkshake. RK heran, resto spt apa yang butuh 6 mesin milkshake, alias butuh 30 porsi milkshake sekali bikin.

RK langsung mendatangi resto tsb dengan mobilnya, mengemudi dari pantai timur amerika ke pantai barat amerika. 

Begitu sampai di resto tsb, terlihat papan McDonalds Hamburger 15c, dan ramai sekali. RK turun dari mobil, dan ikut antri di resto tersebut utk memesan makanan, begitu antri, orang di depannya bilang, tenang aja, antrian sepanjang ini cepat kok sampai depannya.

Begitu giliran RK sampai di depan kasir, dia order beberapa menu, hanya dalam beberapa detik menunya siap. RK di depan kasir terheran2, bagaimana bisa, dia order, hanya beberapa detik sudah tersedia? Biasanya dia menunggu 30 menit, dan salah lagi keluarnya.

Saat memakan pesanannya di kursi di depan McD, RK berkenalan dengan salah satu McD bersaudara (pendiri awal McD), dan diajak masuk ke dapur, dan RK melihat betapa efisien-nya dapur McD, dari tataletak dapur, cara beroperasi, hingga peralatan2 yang customized menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan McD. RK langsung mengajak makan malam, 
Karena ingin belajar lebih banyak dr McD bersaudara.

Saat makan malam, McD bersaudara bercerita, bagaimana mereka memulai datang ke Hollywood Karena ingin berbisnis di bidang film, tapi mereka mulai 1929, saat amerika krisis. Semua bangkrut, tapi mereka melihat bahwa stand hamburger tidak bangkrut. Karena itu mereka memutuskan berbisnis hamburger.

Problem2 awal resto spt biasa, operasional yang kacau, Karena itu mereka memutuskan, mencari cara, bagaimana spy order bisa siap, bukan dlm 30 menit, tapi 30 detik. Mereka mulai dari merubah lay out dapur, dengan cara mengambar layout dalam skala riil, dan menggambar di lapangan dengan kapur, kemudian mencoba karyawan bergerak di lay out tsb, bila salah, maka gambar ulang lagi, dan karyawan mencoba bergerak lagi di lay-out revisi tersebut. Sementara McD bersaudara mengamati dari atas tangga, pergerakan karyawan di layout tsb. Butuh 6 jam bagi mereka untuk bisa mendapat lay out paling efisien. Dalam film, diperlihatkan bagaimana pergerakan para karyawan tsb mirip simponi membuat burger, semua bergerak dengan teratur, cepat, dan tidak bertabrakan.

McD juga membuat alat2 yang customized untuk mempercepat proses pembuatan Burger, dari 30 menit, menjadi 30 detik. McD bersaudara juga menetapkan standar yang ketat utk bahan dan jumlah saus dan isi burgernya. Setiap burger McD pasti ada 2 acar, saus yang standar, dan bawang yang selalu sama. Dan cara membungkus yang standar. Benar2 detail… top.

McD bersaudara juga memotong jumlah menu, mereka mengamati, hanya ada 3 menu yang paling laku, Burger, Kentang Goreng, dan Milkshake, Karena itu, dia menghapus semua menu, hanya tinggal 3 menu ini. (Saya alami juga di resto in and out burgers, saat tahun lalu ke US, sedikit sekali menunya. Sangat efisien, dan ramai). Awalnya mereka ragu2, apakah orang mau turun dari mobil dan order di kasir, spy efisien. Ternyata percobaan mereka berhasil, orang berbondong2 ke McD, dan bisa dilayani dengan efisien.

McD bersaudara juga memperlihatkan model impian mereka utk Outlet McD, model yang ada lengkung berwarna kuning / emas, mereka menyebut Golden Arches.

Setelah bertemu McD bersaudara, RK tidak bisa tidur semalaman, terkesima dengan cara kerja resto tersebut, saat pulang ke rumah, dia juga bercerita ke istrinya… betapa luar biasa acara kerja McD tersebut.

Saat bertemu lagi dengan McD bersaudara (saya lupa, itu paginya dia ga bisa tidur, atau stl pulang rumah ya??), RK bilang, dia punya ide hebat untuk McD bersaudara… FRANCHISE… tapi dijawab oleh McD bersaudara, bahwa mereka sdh menjalankan franchise, hasilnya mengecewakan, ada 4 franchisee, dan mereka kesulitan mengontrol fsee, dan akhirnya fsee jalan sendiri2 tidak standar, ada fsee yang jual burrito segala. Pdhl menu itu tdk ada di McD, dan McD bersaudara tidak suka dengan pengembangan tersebut.

RK menjawab, control terhadap fsee, gampang, tinggal rekrut orang utk memastikan QC, dijawab mereka sdh coba, dan tidak berhasil.

RK berusaha meyakinkan McD bersaudara, bhw McD bisa menjadi new icon amerika dengan Golden arches impian McD bersaudara. RK yang akan menjadi agent utk mencari fsee2 baru, dan menyesuaikan dengan operasional McD.

Singkat cerita, deal, RK menjadi agent untuk mencari fsee baru utk resto McD.

RK menjaminkan rumahnya ke bank, untuk mendapat modal, untuk menjalankan bisnis sebagai agent untuk mencari fsee baru bagi McD.

RK dengan antusias menawarkan ke semua teman2, dan semua orang ttg franchise McD. Dan fsee McD bertambah dengan cepat.

Tapi ternyata franchise McD laku, tapi RK malah rugi terus, Karena bagi hasil yang di dapat dr McD terlalu kecil utk mengimbangi biayai operasionalnya (RK nego ke McD utk nego ulang fee dia, ditolak). Akibatnya McD problem mengelola hutangnya, dan terlambat 3 bulan. RK marah2 ke bank, Karena bank telpon ke rumah, dan istrinya tahu bahwa rumah dijaminkan, dan tidak senang.

Saat ke bank, ada orang yg mendengar RK kesulitan keuangan, dia menemui RK dan ingin membantu RK. Orang ini adalah Herry J. Sonneborne. Mereka kemudian ngobrol2 dan tukar pikiran di kantor RK. RK menjelaskan bhw tugas RK adalah mencari calon fsee, memastikan toko buka, dan beroperasi sesuai prosedur McD. Henry bertanya, bagaimana dengan tanah, RK menjelaskan, Fsee mencari tanah, kemudian di cek oleh RK, bila cocok, baru diperbolehkan. Henry menjelaskan bahwa sebenarnya bisnis RK bukan franchise, tapi property. RK harus membeli tanah, kemudian menyewakan ke fsee, katakanlah 20 tahun. 

Dengan membeli property tsb, dan menyewakan ke fsee, RK mendapat 3 keuntungan sekaligus:
1. Keuangan yang pasti, dan naik terus
2. Bisa menjadi permodalan yang besar untuk terus ber-ekspansi
3. Meningkatkan daya tawar RK ke McD bersaudara, Karena tanah2 fsee dimiliki oleh RK

RK setuju, dan mulai menjalankan usulan Henry.

Di lain pihak, McD bersaudara juga mulai tidak suka dengan tindakan2 RK, mulai dari usulan RK untuk menerima iklan di bawah menu McD, kemudian McD bersaudara mengetahui bahwa tanah2 fsee dibeli oleh RK, RK mendirikan Franchise Reality, Usulan RK utk memakai instant mix (produk baru mengantikan milkshake dengan campuran non susu utk menggantikan milkshake, krn instant mix ini tidak perlu kulkas utk menyimpan, menghemat biaya listrik), puncaknya ketika McD bersaudara tahu bahwa RK memakai nama perusahaan McDonalds Corporation.

Ide memakai Instant mix datang dr Joan, tunangan teman RK (juga fsee), akhirnya RK cerai dengan istrinya, dan menikah dgn Joan.

Henry J. Sonneborne menjadi pimpinan di McD hanya selama 6 thn. Setelah itu, berpisah dgn RK, krn perbedaan pendapat.

Setelah ribut2, hingga McD bersaudara sakit. Akhirnya RK membeli McD dari McD bersaudara, senilai 1,3 Juta USD untuk masing2, sehingga total akuisisi 2,6 Juta USD.

Sehingga McD bersaudara sudah tidak memiliki McD lagi, dan RK bebas mengembangkan ke seluruh dunia.

RK pasti sebagai manusia punya plus minus, ada hal yang cocok untuk kita, ada yg kurang cocok, ada tindakan2nya yg bisa kita pahami, ada yang aneh bagi kita.

Salah satu yang berkesan, adalah pertanyaan dr McD bersaudara di toilet saat selesai kesepakatan penjualan McD dr McD bersaudara ke RK, "RK kenapa setelah kami menjelaskan proses di McD (di awal2 pertemuan mereka), kamu tidak membuka merk sendiri?". 

RK menjawab, bukan masalah system, tapi siapa mau membeli Kroc Burger, yang namanya tidak terasa amerika. Kalau McDonalds, serasa sangat amerika, cocok untuk menjadi besar.

Hari ini McD menyediakan makan utk 1% penduduk dunia

Selamat menonton film ini, wajib utk yang suka mengikuti kisah orang sukses.

COPAS nih ya....

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