Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Inspirasi dari Kematian Olga Syahputra

Tanah Makam Keluarkan Aroma Wangi

Dream - Saat melakukan persiapan liang lahat itulah terjadi peristiwa menakjubkan. Peristiwa itu dikicaukan oleh asisten adik Olga, Billy Syahputra melaui akun twitter @abangbilly.

"Tadi pass digali tanah kuburan'a alm. Olga udah wangi banget SUBHANALLAH #RIPOlgaSyahputra #asisten," tulis asisten Billy Syahputra pada Sabtu 28 Maret lalu.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Lee Kuan Yew Mengubah Singapura sebagai Raksasa Ekonomi

Bapak kemajuan Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew
23 Maret 2015

Lee Kuan Yew lahir 16 September 1923 di Singapura.
Lee Kuan Yew berhasil mengubah pulau kecil Singapura menjadi negara dengan pencapaian ekonomi yang dikagumi di seluruh dunia.
Dengan pandangannya yang amat pragmatis, Lee Kuan Yew berhasil mengubah Singapura dari sebuah pulau kecil yang tidak memiliki sumber daya alam menjadi sebuah keberhasilan ekonomi.
Penggabungan antara kapitalisme negara dan pribadi yang diterapkannya menjadikan Singapura sebagai sesuatu yang sering disebut pengamat sebagai 'keajaiban ekonomi'.
Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Singapura menjadi sejahtera, modern, efisien dan bebas korupsi sehingga para investor asing berdatangan.
Namun di balik keberhasilan ekonomi itu, banyak yang mengecam catatan hak asasi manusia di negara pulau tersebut.

Masa awal
Lahir pada 16 September 1923 di Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew merupakan generasi ketiga dari pendatang asal Cina.
Lee Kuan Yew
Setelah belajar di Inggris, Lee Kuan Yew pulang ke Singapura dan mendirikan Partai Aksi Rakyat.
Dia dibesarkan dengan pengaruh Inggris yang kuat dan kakeknya memanggilnya dengan Harry Lee, yang menjadi nama panggilannya pada masa kecilnya.
Lee muda menjalani pendidikan di sebuah sekolah Inggris di Singapura namun pendidikan lanjutannya terganggu oleh pendudukan Jepang pada tahun 1942.
Selama tiga tahun dia terlibat dalam perdagangan gelap namun pada saat bersamaan menggunakan bahasa Inggrisnya untuk bekerja di departemen propaganda Jepang.
Setelah perang, dia terbang ke London untuk belajar di London School of Economics, LSE, sebelum pindah belajar hukum di Universitas Cambridge.
Ketika hidup di Inggris dia menjadi pemuja Radio BBC World Service dan ikut serta berkampanye untuk kawan satu universitas yang mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota parlemen untuk wilayah pemilihan di Devon, di London barat.
Lee -yang menganut ideologi sosialisme pada masa kuliah- pulang ke Singapura menjadi penasehat hukum serikat buruh yang terkenal.

Perdana menteri
Tahun 1954 dia mendirikan Partai Aksi Rakyat, PAP, dan sekaligus menjadi sekretaris jenderalnya yang pertama yang dijabatnya sampai hampir 40 tahun.
Banyak yang menyebut Singapura sebagai 'keajaiban ekonomi'.
PAP meraih suara mayoritas dalam pemilihan umum 1959 dan Singapura lepas dari kendali Inggris.
Tahun 1963, Lee kemudian membawa Singapura bergabung dengan Malaysia namun rangkaian kekerasan antaretnis membuat Singapura keluar dari federasi dan menjadi merdeka sepenuhnya.
Walau lepas dari Malaysia, hubungan dagang dan militer tetap terjalin sementara Inggris mempertahankan pangkalannya di Singapura untuk mendukung pertahanan bersama Singapura dan Malaysia.
Dia pun mulai menerapkan program reformasi besar-besaran untuk mengubah Singapura dari yang pernah disebut 'limbah kemelaratan dan degradasi' menjadi negara industri modern.
Dan tak ada yang bisa menyangkal keberhasilan Lee Kuan Yew dalam reformasi tersebut.

Pengekangan politik
Untuk menjamin keberhasilan transformasi Singapura itu, Lee menerapkan pengendalian politik yang ketat atas aspek-aspek kehidupan, yang membuat negara itu menjadi masyarakat yang paling diatur di dunia.

Dia menangkap para pengkritiknya tanpa lewat pengadilan, membatasi kebebasan media dan penerbitan asing, termasuk menangkap sejumlah wartawan.
"Kebebasan pers, kebebasan media berita harus di bawah kebutuhan integritas Singapura," katanya suatu waktu.
Untuk membenarkan tindakannya, Lee menuduh bahwa koran-koran didanai dari kepentingan luar negeri yang jahat.
Sebagian pengecamnya mengatakan tindakan itu tidak diperlukan karena dengan menguasai semua kursi di parlemen maka ada jaminan untuk dukungan penuh program-programnya tanpa mengambil langkah-langkah penindasan.
Lee, yang menegaskan dirinya anti-Komunis, malah dituduh menerapkan pemerintahan gaya komunis melalui kebijakan-kebijakannya.
Namun berbeda dengan negara komunis pada umumnya, rakyat Singapura menikmati keuntungan ekonomi dari gaya kepemimpinan Lee.
Dari tahun 1960 hingga 1980, pendapatan per kapita Singapura meningkat sampai 15 kali lipat.

Israel menjadi model dalam program kependudukan karena negara kecil itu dikelilngi oleh musuhnya: negara-negara Arab.

Warga Singapura
Kebijakan keluarga berencana membatasi dua anak kecuali untuk perempuan tamatan universitas.
"Seperti Israel kami harus melompati tempat-tempat lain di kawasan dan menarik perusahaan-perusahaan internasional."
Lee memahami pentingnya membangun hubungan yang baik dengan Cina, yang terbantu oleh hubungan baiknya dengan pemimpin Cina, Deng Xiaoping.
Saat berkunjung ke Singapura tahun 1978, Deng mengungkapkan kekaguman atas kebijakan ekonomi Lee sementara Lee terkesan dengan reformasi yang diterapkan Deng di Cina.
Dalam upaya membangun Singapura, Lee juga menempuh langkah-langkah pemberantasan korupsi dan mewujudkan kebijakan rumah murah serta program industrialisasi untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja.
Pada saat yang bersamaan dia merangkum etnis-etnis yang beragam untuk menciptakan satu identitas unik Singapura yang didasarkan pada multikulturalisme.
Masa kecilnya di sekolah tampaknya membuat dia percaya pada hukuman fisik.
"Saya duduk membungkuk di kursi dan mendapat tiga kali (pukulan). Saya tidak pernah mengerti kenapa para pendidik di Barat amat menentang hukuman fisik. Tidak ada bahayanya bagi saya dan kawan-kawan di sekolah."

Rekayasa sosial
Kebijakan yang juga dilaksanakan dengan dengan ketat oleh Lee adalah keluarga berencana dengan memberi hukuman kepada orang tua yang memiliki lebih dari dua anak lewat sistem pajak.

Beberapa pihak berpendapat keberhasilan Singapura dibayar dengan pembatasan hak-hak pribadi dan media.
Namun belakangan Singapura mendorong agar para perempuan tamatan universitas memiliki lebih banyak anak dengan mengecualikan mereka dari kebijakan keluarga berencana, yang masih diperlakukan bagi perempuan yang tidak tamat universitas.
Pemerintah Singapura secara sistematis berupaya untuk membentuk warganya agar berperilaku sopan, tidak bising, menyiram WC, dan tidak mengunyah permen karet.
"Kami disebut negara pengasuh," kata Lee dalam salah satu wawancara dengan BBC.
"Namun hasilnya adalah saat ini kami berperilaku lebih baik dan kami hidup di tempat yang lebih bisa diterima dibanding 30 tahun lalu," tambahnya.
Walau menikmati standar hidup tinggi, sejumlah para pemilih muda mulai menolaknya dan bergeser ke partai oposisi namun tetap saja partainya menang pemilu dengan suara mutlak.
Tahun 1990 Lee mengundurkan diri setelah meraih kemenangan dalam tujuh pemilu dan merupakan perdana menteri dengan jabatan terlama di dunia.
Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Singapura bertransformasi dari negara berkembang menjadi salah satu kekuatan ekonomi di Asia dan juga dunia.
Beberapa pihak berpendapat keberhasilan Singapura dibayar dengan pembatasan hak-hak pribadi dan media, namun formulanya jelas membuat Singapura, sampai saat ini, menjadi negara kecil dengan kekuatan besar.
"Di dunia yang berbeda, kita perlu menemukan niche (ceruk) untuk diri sendiri, satu sudut yang biarpun ukuran kita kecil, kita bisa tampil dengan peran yang berguna untuk seluruh dunia," jelasnya dalam sebuah wawancara dengan stasiun TV Cina tahun 2005.

Copyright © 2015 BBC. BBC tidak bertanggung jawab atas isi situs dari luar. Baca tentang peraturan baru terkait link eksternal

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Alm. Yanni Libels Note


Saya pikir, hidup itu harus banyak meminta ~ ternyata harus banyak memberi

Saya pikir, sayalah orang yang paling hebat ~ ternyata ada langit di atas langit.

Saya pikir, kegagalan itu final ~ ternyata kegagalan hanya sukses yang tertunda.

Saya pikir, sukses itu harus kerja keras ~ ternyata kerja cerdas.

Saya pikir, kunci surga ada di langit ~ ternyata ada di hatiku

Saya pikir, Tuhan selalu mengabulkan setiap permintaan - ternyata Tuhan hanya memberikan yang kita perlukan.

Saya pikir, makhluk yang paling bisa bertahan hidup adalah yang paling pintar, atau yang paling kuat ~ ternyata yang paling cepat merespon perubahan.

Saya pikir, keberhasilan itu karena turunan - ternyata keberhasilan itu karena ketekunan

Saya pikir, kecantikan luar yang paling menarik ~ ternyata inner beauty yang lebih menawan

Saya pikir, kebahagian itu ketika menengok ke atas - ternyata kebahagiaan itu ketika melihat ke bawah

Saya pikir, usia manusia itu di ukur dari bulan & tahun - ternyata usia di hitung dari apa yang telah dilakukannya kepada orang lain

Saya pikir, yang paling berharga itu uang & Kekuasaan - emas- permata - Ternyata BUKAN juga ......yang paling Penting dan Paling mahal itu "KESEHATAN dan NAMA BAIK.

Yanni sendiri menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada Rabu (25/3) di toilet Bandara Soekarno-Hatta usai melakukan perjalanan dari Pangkal Pinang. Diduga, Yanni mengalami serangan jantung. Jenazah saat ini disemayamkan di kediaman Ronny Sianturi di Jalan Muhi 12, Nomor 50, Pondok Pinang, Jakarta Selatan. Rencananya, akan dimakamkan di TPU Tanah Kusir pada Kamis (26/3) pagi.

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

10 Qualities of Leader that Every Employee Looks For

When it comes down to it, employees are evaluating and forming opinions about the leaders in their company just as much as employers are evaluating the employees. As great as the work may be, if there isn't a strong leader in place employees are going to leave to look for a better environment; thus hurting the business as a whole.

In short, there are certain qualities that leaders need to have if they want to attract and then retain talent, so it's important to recognize these qualities and work hard to create that strong sense of leadership businesses need in order to grow stronger.

1. Honesty and Integrity. By being open and honest you build a foundation of trust. Employees know that they can count on them because he/she is not going to have any hidden agenda when it comes to talking with you, clients, investors, the media, or whoever else might come in contact with the business. Never having to worry about what a leader is going to do shows great integrity and honesty, so this is one of the most important things a leader can do.

2. Communication. 
It's important to be honest and open, but communication takes things one-step further. It's important that a leader keeps employees in the loop and is ready and willing to talk about issues a department of individual is having. It's one thing to be honest, but it's another to go out of your way to communicate and make sure things are running smoothly without having to be prompted or asked.

3. Ability to Delegate. 
Employees want to be able to see that a leader is organized and can delegate different tasks correctly and efficiently. This helps show that a leader is in control, which again creates another layer of trust in that leader.

4. Respectful and Trusting
Being able to delegate is just one aspect of showing respect and trusting your employees. Employees want to know that they are making an important contribution to the company as a whole, and knowing that your leader trusts you by giving you tasks, respecting your space, and respecting the hard work that you do for the company. This is an overarching quality that employees like to see in a leader, meaning that a leader can show respect and creating that trustworthiness by exhibiting all of the qualities on this list! As the 10 Commandments of Leadership says, "thou shall not hold meetings without agendas."

5. Positive Attitude and Sense of Humor.
When it comes down to it, work is going to be stressful and it's the leader's job to help keep things light and fun at the office. A leader can posses all of the qualities on this list, but if they don't have a positive attitude about it and aren't fun to be around, the office environment is going to get old.

6. Hard Working and Committed to the Job.
This is another quality that cannot be missing if you want to be a great leader. Employees want to see that the leader works hard and isn't just delegating work all day and then sitting around taking it easy. After all, how can an employee be motivated to work hard and be committed to a company if the leader isn't doing the same?

7. Confidence. 
As a leader, you have to be the confident one. This helps show that someone is in control, which again helps build trust. It shows that the leader isn't afraid of anyone or anything that comes his/her way, and that's a comforting feeling.

8. Fair. 
The worst thing a leader can do is play favorites or create unfair situations in the office. It's important that a leader looks at all of the facts and listens to all ideas before jumping to a conclusion.

9. Flexibility and Understanding. 
Leaders are going to be the ones that employees have to talk with if something happens outside of the office or if something inside the office isn't getting done. As long as the employee has a valid reason for needing flexibility, it's important that they feel a leader is going to be fair and understanding. If not, it can be easy to feel suffocated by a job.

10. Influential and Inspiring
This last point is number 10 for a reason. If a leader can posses all of the qualities above, he/she is in a much better position to becomeinspiring to employees. Inspiration and influence can serve as the fuel that employees need to do well, so it's a win-win situation for the company as a whole. The more inspiring the leader, the better work you want to do as an employee looking up to someone.

In the end, it's important to remember that being a leader is hard a job. On top of the workload, exhibiting all of these characteristics can sometimes get to be too overwhelming. The key as an employee is to look for these qualities, but still show the same compassion and understanding that you want to see from a leader. Mistakes will happen, but if these qualities are in place at the core then business should run smoothly for everyone. When all else fails, just turn to some advice from Michael Scott and positivity is sure to follow.




Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Rest In Peace Lee Kuan Yew

Ini cara Lee Kuan Yew bawa ekonomi Singapura jauh tinggalkan RI - Perdana Menteri Singapura Pertama, Lee Kuan Yew, tutup usia hari ini (23/3) pukul 03.18 dini hari waktu setempat, akibat serangan pneumonia sejak pekan lalu. Politikus pendiri Singapura ini sukses membawa negaranya walau tanpa sumber daya alam, menjadi salah satu yang paling makmur di dunia.

Ketika Lee dan Partai Aksi Rakyat (PAP) berhasil memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Singapura dari Inggris pada 1959, rencana awalnya negara kota itu harus bergabung dengan Federasi Malaya. Tanpa adanya dukungan Malaysia, Lee khawatir Singapura akan kehabisan sumber daya, khususnya minyak dan air bersih.

Sayangnya, sepanjang awal 1960, etnis Melayu banyak menyerang penduduk Tionghoa. Warga Singapura merasa terdiskriminasi, sehingga akhirnya Lee memberanikan diri berpisah dari Federasi Malaya pada 9 Agustus 1965.

Tugas itu nyaris mustahil, karena 65 persen warga masuk kategori miskin. Banyak infrastruktur hancur karena tentara Jepang merusak kota pelabuhan jajahan Inggris itu pada Perang Dunia ke-2.

"Saat kami merdeka, Singapura merupakan kota yang cukup bobrok. Banyak kerusakan sehabis perang, namun kami mulai membangun kembali," cerita Lee Kuan Yew mengenang terbentuknya Singapura, seperti dilansir dari Channel News Asia, Senin (23/3).

"Pada saat itu, yang menjadi fokus kami adalah bagaimana mencari nafkah utnuk menghidupi para warga Singapura. Lalu kami mulai melakukan investasi di berbagai bidang," lanjut Lee.

Perdana menteri berhaluan sosialis itu lalu fokus menggenjot produktivitas warga. Caranya, mereka harus mendapat subsidi rumah, agar tidak dibebani urusan selain kerja. Kini, 90 persen dari 3 juta warga Singapura memiliki rumah berkat skema subsidi negara.

Singapura juga memaksimalkan potensinya sebagai kota pelabuhan. Insentif pajak diberikan bagi perusahaan multinasional yang tertarik membangun basis produksi di negara kota itu. Lapangan kerja pun terbentuk, tanpa mengandalkan sumber daya alam.

Keseimbangan ekonomi liberal dengan intervensi pemerintah untuk melindungi kebutuhan dasar warga, menjadi faktor utama kemajuan Negeri Singa, jauh meninggalkan Malaysia atau Indonesia. Sepanjang 1965-2011, pendapatan per kapita Singapura melonjak 100 kali lipat, mencapai USD 55 ribu per orang per tahun. Di Asia, cuma Jepang yang bisa sejajar Singapura.

Setiap warga juga didorong memiliki saham melalui Lembaga Saham Pusat yang didirikan pemerintah. Dalam bidang ekonomi, Lee Kuan Yew membuat tabungan wajib bagi warganya (diberi nama CPF), alhasil Singapura negara dengan jumlah dana pihak ketiga tertinggi di dunia.

Sistem kesehatan dan pendidikan yang disubsidi dari pemerintah juga dilakukan dengan baik dan menjadi yang terbaik di ASEAN. Puncaknya, Lee juga berhasil membersihkan birokrasi dari pegawai korup. Seluruh ekspatriat atau perusahaan asing di Negeri Singa mengakui layanan pemerintah sangat bagus dan bebas pungli.

Dalam wawancara empat tahun lalu, Lee mengenang segala terobosannya demi memajukan ekonomi Singapura. Dia menyatakan, untuk negara berkembang, tidak ada pembangunan sukses meniru cara negara maju.

"Saya selalu berpikir, ini Singapura. Apa cara yang paling tepat untuk mengatasi masalah di sini? Dan saya bersyukur, saya berhasil meningkatkan harkat dua juta penduduk Singapura," tandasnya.



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Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Ini Sebab Rupiah Dibiarkan Melemah Terhadap US Dollar

13 MARET 2015 

Ini Sebab Rupiah “Dibiarkan” Melemah

Bank Indonesia cenderung membiarkan rupiah melemah terhadap dolar AS. Kebijakan ini untuk menjaga agar defisit neraca transaksi berjalan tidak makin besar.

Bank Indonesia (BI) berulang kali mengatakan tetap berada di pasar untuk menjaga nilai tukar rupiah agar tidak bergejolak menghadapi dolar Amerika Serikat (AS).

Agaknya keberadaan BI di pasar keuangan tersebut tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap kurs rupiah. Sejak awal tahun, rupiah tercatat sudah melemah hingga 6 persen, sekaligus menjadi mata uang yang turun paling tajam di antara negara-negara Asia.

Menurut ekonom Universitas Indonesia Anton H. Gunawan, BI memang tidak terlalu mengkhawatirkan pelemahan rupiah. Apalagi di tengah tren “perang mata uang” global yang membuat banyak negara berupaya menurunkan nilai tukarnya guna meningkatkan daya saing di pasar dunia.

Bank sentral, kata dia, justru lebih memperhatikan defisit neraca transaksi berjalan yang sudah berlangsung sejak kuartal IV-2011.

Defisit terutama akibat kinerja EXPORT yang terus menurun. Bahkan sejak 2012, neraca perdagangan Indonesia mengalami defisit.

Penyebabnya, ekspor Indonesia selama ini mengandalkan produk komoditas yang di pasar internasional harganya cenderung turun.

Kinerja perdagangan yang terus turun tersebut tidak mampu mengimbangi defisit neraca jasa dan neraca pendapatan yang melebar. Dalam laporan Neraca Pembayaran Indonesia yang dirilis BI, neraca jasa dan neraca pendapatan memang senantiasa mengalami defisit.

Defisit neraca jasa akibat meningkatnya pembayaran jasa transportasi barang impor dan jumlah warga negara Indonesia yang bepergian ke luar negeri. Sedangkan defisit neraca pendapatan lantaran peningkatan dividen dan bunga utang yang diperoleh investor asing yang menanamkan modalnya di Indonesia.

Pada 2014, defisit neraca transaksi berjalan tercatat sebesar 2,95 persen terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) sedikit turun dibandingkan defisit pada 2013 sebesar 3,18 persen. Tahun ini, sejumlah ekonom memperkirakan defisit akan berada di kisaran 3 persen, sedangkan BI memprediksikan berada di angka 3,2 persen.

“BI sangat takut dengan defisit neraca transaksi berjalan (melonjak),” kata Anton di Financial Club, Graha Niaga, Jakarta, Kamis (12/3).

Kekhawatiran BI pun sudah terlihat dalam kebijakan moneternya sejak 2013, yakni dengan beberapa kali menaikkan suku bunga acuan (BI Rate). Kebijakan ini diambil karena kinerja ekspor yang terus turun, sehingga BI mesti membuat kebijakan yang dapat memastikan aliran modal dapat masuk ke pasar keuangan dalam negeri (capital inflow) yang dapat dipakai untuk membiayai defisit tersebut.

Namun BI tidak dapat terus menggunakan instrumen suku bunga lantaran besarannya yang sudah cukup tinggi. Selain itu, tren sejumlah negara yang menurunkan suku bunganya dan melemahkan mata uangnya terhadap dolar AS ikut menekan rupiah.

“BI tidak punya instrumen lain untuk mengatasi defisit neraca transaksi berjalan, selain membiarkan rupiah melemah,” kata Anton. “Tampaknya BI lebih comfort (nyaman) dengan rupiah di atas Rp 13.000.”

Apalagi, tingkat BI Rate yang tinggi bertentangan dengan keinginan pemerintah yang meminta penurunan suku bunga supaya memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tahun ini ditargetkan sebesar 5,7 persen. (Baca: BI: Rupiah Rp 13.000 Masih Sesuai Fundamental Ekonomi)

“Jadi BI memang lebih mencoba mengikuti, tapi jangan sampai rupiah melemah terlalu kaget. (Kebijakan) itu kelihatannya yang akan dilakukan BI ke depan,” kata Komisaris Independen Bank Mandiri itu.

Hal ini pun terlihat dari cadangan devisa per Februari 2015 yang masih menunjukkan peningkatan dari US$ 114,25 miliar pada Januari menjadi US$ 115,53 miliar.

Sasaran BI menjaga nilai rupiah yang lemah, kata Anton, utamanya adalah untuk menekan impor, terutama impor konsumsi.
Bukan ingin menaikkan ekspor yang mayoritas berupa produk komoditas. Ini sudah terlihat dalam laporan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) bahwa impor barang konsumsi yang turun 20,25 persen pada Januari.

Tapi yang jadi persoalan adalah bagaimana pemerintah dapat menahan impor bahan baku dan barang modal yang diperkirakan meningkat pada semester II nanti. Ini seiring dengan mulai berjalannya proyek-proyek infrastruktur milik pemerintah.

Dalam hal ini, pemerintah pun sudah menyiapkan sejumlah langkah yang dapat membantu BI menjaga supaya defisit neraca transaksi berjalan tidak bertambah. Ada delapan strategi yang disiapkan pemerintah:

1. Mengenakan bea anti dumping dan bea masuk pengamanan sementara sebagai respons jika terdapat lonjakan impor barang tertentu serta penyederhanaan prosedur dan mekanisme pengembalian.

2. Insentif pajak (tax allowance) bagi perusahaan yang minimal 30 persen produknya untuk ekspor.

3. Insentif PPN bagi perusahaan galangan kapal.

4. Meningkatkan komponen biofuel agar impor BBM berkurang.

5. Insentif pajak bagi perusahaan asing yang tidak mengirimkan 100 persen dividennya ke negara asal.

6. Merancang formulasi pembayaran pajak pemilik atau perusahaan pelayaran asing.

7. Mendorong BUMN membentuk reasuransi.

8. Mendorong dan memaksa proses transaksi di dalam negeri menggunakan rupiah.

Kepala Ekonom Bahana TCW Investment Budi Hikmat mengatakan, yang perlu dilakukan pemerintah saat ini adalah memperkuat daya tahan dan daya saing perekonomian dalam negeri. Caranya, dengan membenahi
A. Infrastruktur,
B. Transportasi,
C. kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia
D. mencari alternatif energi.

“Berita baiknya, banyak perusahaan batubara yang beralih dari mengekspor komoditasnya menjadi pemasok listrik dengan membangun pembangkit di mulut tambang,” tutur dia.

Editor:  Aria W. Yudhistira

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Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

50 Best Leadership Quotes

50 Quotes on Leadership Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

Every entrepreneur knows that the success of their business ultimately rests on their shoulders. Yes, the product you build and the team you hire are important, but your ability to lead is what carries your company.

With that kind of pressure, it’s easy to feel stressed, lonely and overwhelmed at times. Every great leader has faced a challenge that defined their greatness, which is why we often turn to their advice when needed.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or team leader, here are 50 inspirational quotes on leadership for when you need a little pep talk.

1. "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be." – Rosalynn Carter

2. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” - Lao Tzu

3. "It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." -  Adlai E. Stevenson II

4. "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand." – Colin Powell

5. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” - Max DePree

6. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams

7. “A leader is a dealer in hope.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

8. "A like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind." - Nelson Mandela

9. “He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.” - Aristotle

10. "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

11. "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." – Bill Gates

12. “A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit." - John Maxwell

13. “Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position.” - Brian Tracy

14. "The leaders who offer blood, toil, tears and sweat always get more out of their followers than those who offer safety and a good time. When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic." – George Orwell

15. “I start each day by telling myself what a positive influence I am on this world.” - Peter Daisyme

16. “Earn your leadership every day." - Michael Jordan

17. "Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." – Jack Welch

18. “Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.” - Peter Drucker

19. "My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better." - Steve Jobs

20. "The led must not be compelled. They must be able to choose their own leader." – Albert Einstein

21. “Great leaders find ways to connect with their people and help them fulfill their potential.” - Steven J. Stowell

22. "To have long-term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way." - Pat Riley

23. "If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following, then you are just taking a walk." – Benjamin Hooks

24. “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” - Jim Rohn

25. "A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." - Max Lucado

26. “To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

27. "It is absolutely necessary...for me to have persons that can think for me, as well as execute orders." - George Washington

28. "Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work." - Vince Lombardi

29. “A cowardly leader is the most dangerous of men.”  - Stephen King

30. "A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason."- J.P. Morgan

31. “Not the cry, but the flight of a wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow.” - Chinese Proverb

32. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

33. “No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.”  - Andrew Carnegie

34. "Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar." - Orrin Woodward

35. "Those who try to lead the people can only do so by following the mob." – Oscar Wilde

36. “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” - Sam Walton

37. “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” -  Albert Schweitzer

38. “If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” - Dolly Parton

39. “I am reminded how hollow the label of leadership sometimes is and how heroic followership can be.” - Warren Bennis

40. “In this world a man must either be an anvil or hammer.” -  Henry W. Longfellow

41. “It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. (Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit.)” - Latin Proverb

42. “The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” -  Thomas Carlyle

43. “A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward.” - Ovid

44. “You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader” - Henry Ford

45. “Rely on your own strength of body and soul. Take for your star self-reliance, faith, honesty, and industry. Don't take too much advice — keep at the helm and steer your own ship, and remember that the great art of commanding is to take a fair share of the work. Fire above the mark you intend to hit. Energy, invincible determination with the right motive, are the levers that move the world.” - Noah Porter

46. "Don't blow off another's candle for it won't make yours shine brighter." Jaachynma N.E. Agu

47. “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is: Try to please everybody.”  - Herbert Swope

48. “He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.”  - Solon

49. “If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.” - Maya Angelou

50. “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” - Theodore Roosevelt


“Screw it, let’s just do it.” - Richard Branson

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Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

How Companies can Attract Best College Talent

How Companies Can Attract the Best College Talent

Sanjeev Agrawal
MARCH 17, 2014


Over the past year, my firm Collegefeed met with more than 300 companies to understand their college hiring strategies and tactics — from employers with large university hiring infrastructures to recently funded start-ups looking to hire fresh grads, interns, and young alum.

Not surprisingly, 84% understand that college hiring is important. Yet almost all agree that it’s really hard to attract good college talent. In fact, 92% believe they have a “brand problem” when it comes to their efforts; this problem is often expressed as the fact that “not everyone can be an employer like Facebook.” In other words, large, well-established companies feel they simply can’t be the newest thing out there generating buzz with Millennials.

To understand more about this underlying “brand problem,” and what employers can do about it, we polled 15,000 Millennials — 60 percent still in college and 40 percent recent graduates.* We asked them:

What are the top three companies you want to work for?What are the top three things you look for when considering an employer?How do you generally discover companies and create an impression about them (social media, product usage, campus events, other ways)?

Here’s how they responded:

Question 1:

Respondents had to type in and enter a name here, not select from a displayed list, which eliminates the pagination bias. That said, the top 10 in this list are not surprising at all: They are well-known brands that frequently appear in the “best places to work” lists.

But what’s noteworthy is the absence of well-known consumer brands such as Coca Cola. It’s also interesting that companies like and Qualcomm, which most college students don’t use, appear so high.

Question 2:

Given the first chart, you might expect things like “company mission” or “market leadership” to be on top. However “people and culture fit” is number one, followed by “career potential.” We expected “compensation” to be within the top five, but were somewhat surprised that it was only ranked fourth.

This data leaves one key takeaway: It is imperative to focus on communicating your culture and career growth to potential employees. The two fundamental questions that young job seekers ask, and that companies need to answer are: “What is it like to work there?” and “What kind of growth can I expect?

Question 3:

These results blew us away. Most companies (almost 100% of the large ones we spoke to) say that they have an on-campus recruiting plan and that is where they focus their sourcing and branding efforts. Many also have dedicated organizations to build relationships on campus. According to a 2013 NACE study, 98.1% of companies they polled believe that on-campus fairs are the number one avenue for them to brand themselves with students.

However, this may not be the case. “Friends” showed up as the number one way Millennials hear about companies, according to our research, followed by job boards. You might also expect to see “Use their products every day” among the top five, but it showed up sixth.

Clearly, branding — how a company is perceived year round, across media types — is more important than just being present on campus. If college students like something, they tell their friends on social media or face-to-face.

So whether you sell ads, insurance, food, or routers, building a brand among college grads is about getting your story out. Sure, some companies have the basic advantage of “being among the top products students use daily” or “building the next big mobile app,” but you can also attract great talent by telling your story right – using language that Millennials relate to at places they frequent.

Here are the four most critical things you should do to improve your brand and attract the best college talent:

1. Get Your Best People to Engage With Students

Even if you are a company whose products never really get used directly by end users (think, Qualcomm, Ciena, Cisco) you can still show off your employees and organizational culture to send a simple but powerful message to students: “If you come work for us, you will get to work with awesome people like these.”

So if you go to campus, bring your best recent college hires along. Showcase the work interns, young alums, and others have done, and highlight the responsibilities they have been given. If scheduling the best people or alums is hard, or if you find the attendance of physical events is low, host virtual info sessions, another easy and scalable way to reach lots of great college talent.

In addition, some leading companies we spoke to set quarterly goals for managers to hire and spend time with potential hires from colleges, whether it’s attending career fairs or answering questions on Quora or blogging about their experiences. And this leads to another important thing you can do to attract college talent.

2. Go Where Students Are (and They’re Often Not at College Fairs)

Students are online all the time. Invest in a visually appealing, content rich site where students can go to and learn about your company. If you can, personalize the site to showcase the right alums, intern experiences, and the basic messages you want to deliver to potential hires. Done right, a good “brand page” can have the same effect as a great conversation at a career fair — it’s the story of your mission, your culture and why they should join you.

Next, use social media smartly. College students spend two to four hours daily on sites like Facebook and Twitter. If you can target them based on specific interests, who they follow, and what they are searching for or talking about, real-time engagement can be quite powerful. Depending on the type of talent you are targeting, sites like Quora and other more technical ones like Hacker News can be good places to establish your brand. Similarly, if targeting a broader audience, you can go far by using humor to engage students in entertainment properties like Reddit, BuzzFeed, and CollegeHumor — people share what they find funny.

One caveat across social media in general: most online communities don’t like being marketed to, so be authentic, add value to users, and be cautious of blatant self-promotion.

3. Make the Application Process Easy and Engaging

A complicated, multiple-page application form isn’t going to cut it anymore. For Millennials (and anyone else, really), the process should be easy and frictionless.

In addition, you can’t always wait for students to come to you. After connecting with a student at a career fair or online, it’s important to go back to them and encourage them to apply when they are ready.

Another engagement strategy leading companies have found is to pique student’s interests by holding online contests and activities that paint an interesting picture of their brand. Google, Microsoft and several other companies do this programmatically.

4. Prioritize Meaning Over Swag

Too many companies are focused on giving away swag, under the perception that free stuff gets eyeballs. But Millennials are more interested in identifying with your mission than they are in a free T-shirt. If you want their mindshare you have to go beyond swag, and that concept should extend beyond career fairs to everything they read and hear about you.

Are you securing people’s futures? Are you making the world green? Are you making life simpler for small and medium businesses? Whatever you do, you should be able to get the message out online — in a 20 or 30 second video. The U.S. Army’s age-old recruiting video is still a great example – it really makes you want to apply.

If you get meaning right, it won’t just be you doing the talking. Social referrals have incredible power in the college context, and we’re not talking about the “refer a friend, get $5″ model. It comes down to whether a student genuinely likes who you are, what you do, and what you stand for.

*Of the responses received, 65 percent are in college and 35 percent recently graduated. 60 percent were male and 40 percent female. 50 percent were tech-oriented majors and 50 percent non-tech.

Sanjeev Agrawal is the CEO and co-founder of Collegefeed. Before Collegefeed, he ran product marketing for Google, was CEO of Aloqa, a mobile platform acquired by Motorola, and VP Product at Tellme Networks acquired by Microsoft. A former McKinsey consultant, Agrawal holds a BS and MS in EECS from MIT. He can be reached at

Copyright © 2015 Harvard Business School Publishing. All rights reserved. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School.

101 Proven Practices for Focus

101 Proven Practices for Focus
JD Meier

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” -- Zig Ziglar

Here is my collection of 101 Proven Practices for Focus.   It still needs work to improve it, but I wanted to shared it, as is, because focus is one of the most important skills we can develop for work and life.

Focus is the backbone of personal effectiveness, personal development, productivity, time management, leadership skills, and just about anything that matters.   Focus is a key ingredient to helping us achieve the things we set out to do, and to learn the things we need to learn.
Without focus, we can’t achieve great results.
I have a very healthy respect for the power of focus to amplify impact, to create amazing breakthroughs, and to make things happen.

The Power of Focus
Long ago one of my most impactful mentors said that focus is what separates the best from the rest.  In all of his experience, what exceptional people had, that others did not, was focus.
Here are a few relevant definitions of focus:

A main purpose or interest.

A center of interest or activity. Close or narrow attention; concentration.
I think of focus simply as  the skill or ability to direct and hold our attention.
Focus is a Skill
Too many people think of focus as something either you are good at, or you are not.  It’s just like delayed gratification.
Focus is a skill you can build.
Focus is actually a skill and you can develop it.   In fact, you can develop it quite a bit.  For example, I helped a colleague get themselves off of their ADD medication by learning some new ways to retrain their brain.   It turned out that the medication only helped so much, the side effects sucked, and in the end, what they really needed was coping mechanisms for their mind, to better direct and hold their attention.
Here’s the surprise, though.  You can actually learn how to direct your attention very quickly.  Simply ask new questions.  You can direct your attention by asking questions.   If you want to change your focus, change the question.

101 Proven Practices at a Glance
Here is a list of the 101 Proven Practices for Focus:

Align  your focus and your values
Ask new questions to change your focus
Ask yourself, “What are you rushing through for?”
Beware of random, intermittent rewards
Bite off what you can chew
Capture all of your ideas in one place
Capture all of your To-Dos all in one place
Carry the good forward
Change your environment
Change your physiology
Choose one project or one thing to focus on
Choose to do it
Clear away all distractions
Clear away external distractions
Clear away internal distractions
Close your distractions
Consolidate and batch your tasks
Create routines to help you focus
Decide to finish it
Delay gratification
Develop a routine
Develop an effective startup routine
Develop an effective shutdown routine
Develop effective email routines
Develop effective renewal activities
Develop effective social media routines
Direct your attention with skill
Do less, focus more
Do now what you could put off until later
Do things you enjoy focusing on
Do worst things first
Don’t chase every interesting idea
Edit later
Exercise your body
Exercise your mind
Expand your attention span
Find a way to refocus
Find the best time to do your routine tasks
Find your flow
Finish what you started
Focus on what you control
Force yourself to focus
Get clear on what you want
Give it the time and attention it deserves
Have a time and place for things
Hold a clear picture in your mind of what you want to accomplish
Keep it simple
Keep your energy up
Know the tests for success
Know what’s on your plate
Know your limits
Know your personal patterns
Know your priorities
Learn to say no – to yourself and others
Limit your starts and stops
Limit your task switching
Link it to good feelings
Make it easy to pick back up where you left off
Make it relentless
Make it work, then make it right
Master your mindset
Multi-Task with skill
Music everywhere
Narrow your focus
Pair up
Pick up where you left off
Practice meditation
Put the focus on something bigger than yourself
Rate your focus each day
Reduce friction
Reduce open work
Reward yourself along the way
See it, do it
Set a time frame for focus 
Set goals
Set goals with hard deadlines
Set mini-goals
Set quantity limits
Set time limits
Shelve things you aren’t actively working on
Single Task
Spend your attention with skill
Start with WHY
Stop starting new projects
Take breaks
Take care of the basics
Use lists to avoid getting overwhelmed or overloaded
Use metaphors
Use Sprints to scope your focus
Use the Rule of Three
Use verbal cues
Use visual cues
Visualize your performance
Wake up at the same time each day
Wiggle your toes – it’s a fast way to bring yourself back to the present
Write down your goals
Write down your steps
Write down your tasks
Write down your thoughts
Work when you are most comfortable

When you go through the 101 Proven Practices for Focus, don’t expect it to be perfect.  It’s a work in progress.   Some of the practices for focus need to be fleshed out better.   There is also some duplication and overlap, as I re-organize the list and find better ways to group and label ideas.
In the future, I’m going to revamp this collection to have some more precision, better naming, and some links to relevant quotes, and some science where possible.   There is a lot more relevant science that explains why some of these techniques work, and why some work so well.
What’s important is that you find the practices that resonate for you, and the things that you can actually practice.
Getting Started
You might find that from all the practices, only one or two really resonate, or help you change your game.   And, that’s great.   The idea of having a large list to select from is that it’s more to choose from.  The bigger your toolbox, the more you can choose the right tool for the job.  If you only have a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.
If you don’t consider yourself an expert in focus, that’s fine.  Everybody has to start somewhere.  In fact, you might even use one of the practices to help you get better:  Rate your focus each day.
Simply rate yourself, on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is awesome and 1 means you’re a squirrel with a sugar high, dazed and confused, and chasing all the shiny objects that come into site.   And then see if your focus improves over the course of a week.
If you adopt just one practice, try either Align  your focus and your values or Ask new questions to change your focus.  
Feel Free to Share It With Friends
At the bottom of the 101 Proven Practices for Focus, you’ll find the standard sharing buttons for social media to make it easier to share.
Share it with friends, family, your world, the world.
The ability to focus is really a challenge for a lot of people.   The answer to improve your attention and focus is through proven practices, techniques, and skill building.  Too many people hope the answer lies in a pill, but pills don’t teach you skills.
Even if you struggle a bit in the beginning, remind yourself that growth feels awkward.   You' will get better with practice.  Practice deliberately.  In fact, the side benefit of focusing on improving your focus, is, well, you guessed it … you’ll improve your focus.
What we focus on expands, and the more we focus our attention, and apply deliberate practice, the deeper our ability to focus will grow.
Grow your focus with skill.

7 Unusual Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs To Boost Daily Productivity

MARCH 3, 2015

7 Unusual Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs To Boost Daily Productivity

Entrepreneurship isn’t for the faint at heart. Founders must forge their own path, gather resources and take on huge financial risks – all in the hopes of avoiding the fate that 80 to 90 percent of startups suffer: failure.

So to be successful, entrepreneurs really have beaten the odds – especially young entrepreneurs. Starting with almost no wealth, network or business experience, many create more success in a few years than most people do in their entire lifetime.

To understand what they do differently, we interviewed several young entrepreneurs from this year’s Empact Showcase, an annual program highlighting the power these founders and their companies play in the community.

Rather than focus on generic insights or basic hacks, we looked at unique, concrete habits you can immediately adopt in your life and business that can have a game-changing impact.

1. Create A Regimented Schedule.
My overarching goal is to be consistent in my schedule, and as a result, I live a lifestyle that allows me to maximize the amount of work I get done. I believe this type of prioritization has made a huge impact on how quickly Fueled has grown.

My dinner ends at 11 p.m., and I always have a solid work session afterwards until 3:30 a.m. Setting aside a block of time in my schedule for uninterrupted productive creation is vital to my work process. It’s when I answer emails and do my thinking around bigger ideas without any distractions. Then I go to bed every day at exactly 4:00 a.m. and typically wake up without an alarm clock. Other people might want to focus on other areas, like family, but a consistent schedule is key.

2. Ask Yourself This Question Before Going To Bed.
Every night before bed, I think about this question: If I live every day the same way I did today, what kind of future would that create? It forces me to constantly evaluate whether or not my actions are lining up with my priorities. The future is shaped one day at a time, and it’s never as far away as we think.

3. Take An Adventure Walk Every Weekend To Connect The Dots.
Every weekend, I go on a long hike in a place that I’ve never been before. I do the research in advance and sometimes, I drive as far as an hour away. My hikes are anywhere between one and four hours long. I take an old-school composition notebook with me, and I let the thoughts come; I don’t force anything.

The habit helps to relieve stress and unpack the ideas from the week. It’s kind of like meditation. By constantly evaluating ideas and how they fit into your business, you can slowly render them into reality and watch your imagination unfold.

As an added benefit, research in the new field of inactivity studies shows that moving around daily is critical to health. In fact, sitting for an hour is worse than smoking two cigarettes, according to another study.

4. Take A Hot-Cold Contrast Shower Every Morning.
My most unique personal habit is the hot-cold contrast shower. I’ve done it every morning, no matter where I’ve lived or what hotel I’m staying in, for 14 years. By doing 30 seconds of ice cold water, followed by 30 seconds of hot, then 30 seconds of cold water (always ending with cold water), I gain the energy and clarity to start my day feeling refreshed.

To get started in this habit do a normal shower. Then crank the water as cold as it goes for 30 seconds. Then crank as hot as you can stand it for 30 seconds.Then ice cold for 30 seconds (this cold-hot-cold is one cycle).

I’d start with one cycle for the first time. If it’s too much, try it on the legs first. (That’s what my girlfriend does; she also thinks I’m crazy.)

5. Reflect On Critical Open Questions Through Different Lenses.
Most of the technologies we’ve ended up inventing and developing, and most of the strategies we’ve ended up pursuing, have been borne by a long cultivation of an open question, followed by the nurturing of a slow hunch. I am able to tolerate open questions for months, or years. Open questions could include queries about how to find a co-founder for your business idea when people have their own interests and projects to work on or how to sell your new product to an entity that is typically averse to risk (Answers: Work with them on their projects to show your worth and tempt them with interesting questions; show how to dramatically reduce a risk they already bear.)

Usually, the simple answers that come quickly do not satisfy me. But instead of giving up or forgetting it, I work at the problem each day from different angles, under different lenses — which can include but are not limited to: looking at extremes, considering what essential assumptions are and how to test them, and discovering how a different industry might solve a problem. Eventually I find some real traction with an idea that seems novel and has a good chance of working.

6. Set Three Specific Goals Weekly And Monthly — And Ignore Everything Else.
There are a million things you can do to improve your business. The problem is, if you try to fix or improve them all at once, you end up not making much progress in any of them.

You need to be relentless in following your goals. At least once a day, I find myself asking, “Is what I’m working on directly helping one of the three goals?” It’s easy to distract yourself with tasks that aren’t critical. You just need to stay on top of it. This helps us accomplish big things quickly.

To hold ourselves accountable and stay on the same page, we have weekly meeting on Fridays. During these meetings, our company sets the goals for the upcoming week and see where we are on the previous week’s goals. It’s a lot easier to say “what went wrong this week” then “what went wrong this quarter”

7. Make Lots Of Lists As Soon As You Get To The Office.
My habit is that I create lists for everything for one hour as soon as soon I get to the office every morning or the day before at the end of the day. I record these lists in Notes on my iPad, computer, and iPhone. I also use Gmail Tasks so I can link my lists to emails.

It forces me to think through my day, my week, my year, and my long term plan before beginning to execute. This improves my organization and clarity. In the past, I got caught up with the day-to-day details, and I took my mind off of the big goals.

Forming the right habits is critical to success as an entrepreneur. In fact, 40 percent of our daily behaviors happen automatically as a result of our habits according to researchers at Duke University. So, if you choose the right behaviors to turn into habits, you’ve just supercharged a large portion of your day.

What is the single biggest productivity habit that has created the most impact in your life? Answer in the comment section below.

Originally posted on