Jumat, 18 Agustus 2023

Learning is A Never Ending Process

Ardantya Syahreza is a businessman and professional who handles a variety of responsibilities since he currently leads multiple enterprises in diverse industries. Some of the businesses are his, while others are owned by his extended family.

Ardantya established his first company, PT Marketing Komunikasi Indonesia, in 2005. The company provides marketing services and brand communication strategy consultation in activation activities (event promotions) that allow for measurable customer database acquisitions, product trials, and purchases.

A brand activation agency is not the same as an event planner (EO) where they only promote. A brand activation agency, on the other hand, designs and oversees brand-appropriate promotional activities.


"This is nothing more than an activity that directly reaches out to people who utilize the brand," said the AIESEC Indonesia Alumni Chairman.

MKI has been trusted to manage major brands due to his hard work. Its clients currently come from various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, oil, and banking.

Ardantya said that MKI's research department is its greatest asset. For such a brand, they first have to conduct market research. "Market research is required initially to figure out what consumers want from a brand, and we undertake this ourselves via our research section," he concluded.

When Ardantya started MKI in 2005, he said that not many brands had executed this. “There are a lot of advertisements on television, but there are still few events. Advertisements don't necessarily target consumers, so I tried to take a side-by-side approach to the client.”

"Back then, I was in charge of a lot of prospecting operations and pitch proposals for potential new brand clients," he said. "I recognized an opportunity to build a service with a new business model to serve clients who want their marketing budget to be associated with company achievement or sales after dealing with new prospects for a long time."

F&B expansion

Ardantya, an Universitas Brawijaya Faculty of Economics alumnus, expanded his business by launching a culinary business and F&B service with a franchising system. 

Under the auspices of PT Kuliner Nusantara Sejahtera Indonesia, he oversaw the Bakso Kota Cak Man outlet franchisee management, became the master franchisor of Sour Sally Mini, and created Marlous Martabak, NSW Bruger, and Sushi Pablo.

Ardantya is the holding company for the two firms that operate under the Indocre Lintas Usaha banner. It also comprises PT Generasi Muda Indonesia, which bridges the information gap between the academic and professional worlds. The Indocre Group is devoted to participating in the creative industry area.

Man with a vision

Ardantya's breadth of experience has sharpened his commercial acumen. His early career began as an intern at the Royal Bank of Canada Branch Office in Ontario. He then returned to Indonesia as a Nielsen Research Executive, eventually becoming a business development manager for an advertising firm.


Ardantya Syahreza from Persada Hospital shares his leadership experiences in more than 25 years.


Ardantya was requested to join a family business, PT Persada Medika Raya in October 2019, which is part of the holding PT Persada Capital Investama, which was founded by his uncle, the late Benny Subianto. Ardantya has been named development director at the firm in charge of Persada Hospital.

This experience transformed Ardantya into a learner who seeks to comprehend all of the surprises in her surroundings. He promotes the acceleration of transformation and innovation as the Development Director of PT Persada Medika Raya. Persada is intended to go beyond curative medical services. Sports, nutrition, and cosmetic components are also currently being planned.

Ardantya Syahreza is a multi-tasking guy who amazed us with his leadership achievements. He was the Deputy Director of Persada Hospital in Malang, East Java. His leadership experiences in handling 700 employees in his hospital's family business shouldn't be in doubt. In fact, he already learned about being leadership since he was a student at Brawijaya University. Ardantya was a President of AIESEC Indonesia who made him have frequent interaction with global young people to talk about global issues and how we can address the issues through youth exchange programs. You can also read more about him here.

Through an interview with The S Media, Ardantya gives us insight into how to be a successful leader at a young age. 

We call you a truly multitasking man as your businesses come from various industries. How do you sharpen your fresh ideas every day?

I have learned that in order to keep our ideas alive and up to date is by always learning and be open to anything new continuously. Being open means we put ourselves as a forever-student. We are not smarter than anyone, and we want to learn about everything.

I also think that younger generations are smarter than me, and I could learn about digital, startups, and anything new from them. 

Is this pandemic affecting you a lot in terms of productivity and your journey in the professional world? What do you think this pandemic could change millennials' path to leadership?

This pandemic definitely impacts our hospital business. As a hospital, of course, we have to cater the public health issues. But on top of the rush and crisis, Persada Hospital made to achieve more in 2021. When things are changing, we just need to ride on the waves. This will require speed to adapt and change. Not all organizations and leaders can make things happen in such a quick response. The winner is the one who can adapt the fastest. 

This pandemic will make our millennials more perseverant in facing problems and more creative to face challenges. It will make every millennial to be more adaptive and faster to adapt. 

As a leader, you must have experience in handling employees from gen Z or millennials. Is that difficult as we know that young employees today are considered more unruly and behave as they want?

Gen Z and Millenials mostly tend to take easy on things. They are not pushing things to the max. Therefore, in certain cases, leaders must show examples and create a reward-punishment system to create such productive culture among the gen Z and millennials. 

Photo Courtesy of Ardantya Syahreza

In order to keep ourselves relevant with the current times and even lead changes or transformations, we need to be fast in adopting new trends and new approaches. Well, to be honest, I am often attending webinars and reading various articles regarding digital, technology, organization transformation, leadership, and many more.

There are so many young generations today that have high eagerness to be a successful entrepreneur like you. But most of them are mood-swingers. How do you see this phenomenon?

Being an entrepreneur means being alone. Being an entrepreneur is being a human being who has a strong purpose and passion to work on certain issues. An entrepreneur is someone who can not live without any strong purpose. They will work hard to achieve the purpose and gather people and resources to make things happen.

I do not see the young generations are mood-swingers. They are really smart, instead. But, they do have to lack in their emotional quotient. How they can be more persistent and able to engage and respect people is something that young generations need to learn more.

Do you have such an inspiring mentor or role model that you admire? What is the most valuable lesson that you learned from him/her?

Mr. Benny Subianto – he is my uncle, an older brother of my father, who crawled his career from a salesman in United Tractors until become one of the 50 richest men in Indonesia. He passed away on January 4th, 2017. 

I admire him because I love the story behind all the career and business success that he achieved is what I admire from him. The value of working hard and building a reputation is what I learned from him. He was also a gentleman who likes to help people. He helped so many people no matter they treated him back in different ways. But I learned from him that doing good to others is the most precious asset in life. 

First, you need to have a strong idea to address any issues. In order to lead a company, we need to know how we want to be different and unique to address customers’ problems. Secondly, as a leader, you need to have a strong will to achieve your vision. A strong attitude will lead to our persistence, a never-say-die person, and always try to find a way to make things happen.

Lastly, as a leader, you are a leader who needs to learn from your team and also empower them to become the next leader. No leader can lead an organization without good leadership skills. 


Rabu, 09 Agustus 2023

Malang Resmi Jadi Kawasan Health Tourism

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Walikota Malang Sutiaji menerbitkan Surat Keputusan (SK) Walikota Malang tentang Malang Health Tourism (MHT) pada 26 Juni 2023. Tim Wisata Kesehatan Malang yang dilantik Menteri Sandiaga Uno pada 16 April 2023 itu akan bekerja untuk periode 2023-2028 dengan ketua Ardantya Syahreza SE.

Dalam keterangan yang diterima TIMES Indonesia, Ardantya Syahreza menyampaikan, sesungguhnya Malang Health Tourism ini merupakan bagian dari program nasional Indonesia Health Tourism yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah pusat.

"Program ini dibuat untuk mengembangkan daerah-daerah dengan potensi gabungan Wisata Medis dan Wisata Wellness seperti olahraga dan pemandangan alam," ucap Dacil, sapaan akrab Ardantya Syahreza.

"Program ini juga telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu program prioritas strategis nasional," sambungnya.

Untuk diketahui, pada 16 April 2023, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Kepala Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, meresmikan Malang menjadi kawasan health tourism keempat di Indonesia. Malang pun mengikuti jejak Sumatera Utara dengan Medan Medical Tourism Board, Bali dengan Bali Medical Tourism Association, dan Sulawesi Utara dengan North Sulawesi Health Tourism.

Khusus Malang Health Tourism, program ini menawarkan layanan Wisata Medis (Medical Tourism), dan Wellness Tourism. "Malang memiliki kombinasi dari ketersediaan dokter sub-spesialis di berbagai bidang yang berada di beberapa rumah sakit dengan berbagai kelengkapan alat medis untuk diagnosis maupun intervensi," jelas Dacil. 

Hal ini dipadu dengan berbagai pilihan destinasi pariwisata seperti Wisata Gunung Bromo, Wisata Hutan Coban Rondo, Wisata Kuliner Kota Malang, dan Wisata Buatan Jatim Park di Batu. Resorts dan akomodasi yang nyaman dengan pemandangan dan desain yang menarik juga tersedia untuk penyembuhan.


Pacu Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Layanan Kesehatan melalui Tim Wisata Kesehatan Malang

*Pacu Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Pelayanan Kesehatan*

Malang Posco Media, Malang-Tim Wisata Kesehatan Malang bertekad terus memberikan kontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi, pelayanan kesehatan dan pariwisata di Malang. Selain itu, juga membuka tambahan lapangan kerja, menambah kesejahteraan masyarakat dan menambah keahlian baru dalam melayani market turis dari manca negara.

Demikian ditegaskan Ketua Tim Wisata Kesehatan Malang, Ardantya Syahreza, SE kepada Malang Posco Media, Rabu (9/8). Ditambahkan, Malang telah diresmikan menjadi kawasan health tourism keempat di Indonesia oleh Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, pada 16 April 2023. Sedangkan tiga daerah sebelumnya adalah Sumatra Utara, Bali dan Sulawesi Utara.

‘’Malang Health Tourism menawarkan layanan Wisata Medis (Medical Tourism) dan Wellness Tourism. Hal ini sangat tepat sebab Malang memiliki kombinasi dari tersedianya para dokter sub spesialis di berbagai bidang yang berada di beberapa rumah sakit dengan berbagai kelengkapan alat medis untuk diagnostik maupun intervensi,’’ paparnya.

Ardantya Syahreza menuturkan, berbagai keunggulan tersebut juga dipadu dengan berbagai pilihan destinasi pariwisata seperti Wisata Gunung Bromo, Wisata Hutan Coban Rondo, Wisata Kuliner, Wisata Buatan di Batu dan sebagainya. Terlebih juga tersedia cukup banyak pilihan restort dan akomodasi yang sangat nyaman dan disain yang menarik untuk healing.

Karena itu, Tim Wisata Kesehatan Malang yang dibentuk dengan SK Wali Kota Malang Nomor 188.45/213/35.73.112/2023 tanggal 26 Juni 2023 mempunyai beberapa program untuk mencapai masyarakat yang sehat secara jasmani dan rohani. Karena awareness kesehatan yang lebih baik, deteksi kesehatan lebih awal dan rutin, maintenance physical dan wellness dalam gaya hidup serta pelayanan medis ahli dan terukur.

‘’Kami menyediakan pelayanan medis terintegrasi dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau dengan tenaga ahli medis subspesialis serta fasilitas medis yang terstandarisasi. Serta, menyediakan pelayanan wellness dengan kekayaan pariwisata alam dan buatan,bersama dengan instruktur wellness yang ahli,’’ pungkas Dacil, sapaan akrabnya.
