Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

I was introduced to the *7 Habits Theory* first from my Uncle. He told everyone in the family to read this book. I never understood how it was really critical at that time. It was in 1990's. The theory still works and relevant until today, 20++ years after. Here are the *7 Habits of Highly Successful People* by Stephen Covey:

1. Never complain about your surroundings. Do not ignore problems in your surroundings. You are also part of all. You are also responsible with your surroundings.
You have a natural need to wield influence on the world around you, so don’t spend your time just reacting to external events and circumstances. Take charge and assume responsibility for your life.
*Take Responsibility. Be part as Solution. HABIT #1: BE PROACTIVE* .

2. When they were asked " *What is your main goal* by doing all these?" , many of them are unclear explaining their answer.
Time is limited.
Don’t spend your life working aimlessly, tackling whatever job is at hand. Have a vision for the future and align your actions accordingly to make it into a reality.
Use every of your minutes and seconds to only build your happy ending. We always have to have a measurable deadline and achievement in everything we do. Be specific. Be measurable.

3. Everyone is busy. Work. Do chores. They said they want to be this and that. However, they do not spend most of their time to do what they say they want to be.
Prioritize! My Uncle always said, " *many people are just busy. But they are not sure what their priorities are* " . Make sure you do to build your End in Mind. There are things with high Importance and Urgencies. But there are also things with low Importance and Urgencies. You must be able to Map this.
To prioritize your work, focus on what’s important, meaning the things that bring you closer to your vision of the future. Don’t get distracted by urgent but unimportant tasks.


These 3 habits are the habits for you to become a more Independent and Contributing / Productive Individual. Now, the next 3 habits are for you to become a good team player and leader.

4. Everything must be beneficial for everyone. *We must be a Fair Person*. We must have a way of thinking of "How We Can Work Things Good for Everyone"

5. *Most people have difficulties in listening to people* . Have difficulties in receiving feedback or criticism. It is because most of us are easily get arrogant. We think we know it all! We think that we are always right! Which we are not.
I find myself that this is the HARDEST HABIT amongst all. Being empathic How to manage our Ego.
*Listen to people genuinely*. Open your heart at all time. Understand them.
It has never been a loss for us to do this. Our block is only our Arrogancy and Ego.
When someone presents us with a problem, we often jump right to prescribing a solution. This is a mistake. We should first take time to really listen to the other person and only then make recommendations.


6. *Work in Team. No one in this world can achieve big things and glorious things alone.*
Adopt the guiding principle that in a group, the contributions of many will far exceed those of any individual. This will help you to achieve goals you could never have reached on your own.
Although working in team will have consequences, such as collective decision, longer time to discuss and decide, but one head  will never be enough.
*Share. Collaborate with others. You are not a God*. Open to others.
This is also I find very difficult. But my Uncle has proven that this is true. Being collaborative makes him successful. So let's try.

And the last one is to make all these continuously happening.

7. Never under estimate to spend time for Taking Exercise / Sport, Reading Books, Reading Quran, Meeting family, Self-Reflecting Session, Deep Sleeps, Family Vacation, Adventurous Trip and many types like this.
Human is always Forgetting.
Human always get Exhausted and Bored.
In work, everything can be learned as long as you have the willingness. Practice! Practice makes perfect.

Do all these in order to *stay shape . HABIT #7: SHARPEN THE SAW*

Don’t work yourself to death. Strive for a sustainable lifestyle that affords you time to recuperate and recharge, so that you can stay effective in the long-term.

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