Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Inspiring Quote from ALBERT EINSTEIN


1. Better to be A Man of Value not A Man of Success

Man of Value is consistently delivering value and benefits for other people.
A man of success achieved his wealth and power only for him/herself.

2. In the Middle of Difficulties Lie OPPORTUNITY

Never Give Up.
Never Complaint with your difficult situation.
Always look beyond that in every problems or difficult situations lie OPPORTUNITY. Look for it!
And make it happen!

3. A person who Never Made Mistake , Never Learns Something New.

Explore! Go beyond! Try new things!
Make mistakes! It is ok as long as it is for you to learn.
Never afraid of failures.
By making mistakes, you will learn.

4. Only A LIFE Lived FOR OTHERS are Worthwhile!

There is no good life without giving for others. A good life is when you constantly intend, think and make effort to make good changes for other people.
Your life is not for you. Think about it. Why God let you born? Why God let you live? There must be a reason.
That reason for you to find and implement it. Do it.

5. Life is like Bicycle. You must KEEP MOVING to stay Balanced.

Never stop doing things.
There is no ending in your life until your breath is taken away.
Keep moving.
Keep moving forward.
Never stop trying anything.

6. IMAGINATION is more important than Knowledge.

World needs dreamer. Who dream how to make world better.
We do not need Pessimists, Complainers, or Status-Quo People. We need people who will drive changes.

Imagination comes from your witness and experiences to problems. Then you will imagine "What If..."

7. Weakness of ATTITUDE will become Weakness of CHARACTER

Maintain your Attitude.
Maintain your Respect to Others. Whoever they are. Young / Old, Male/Female, Family/Not Family, High/Low Rank socio class, No excuses.

Avoid ARROGANCE!!!!!
Treat People Fairly.

If you have problem in Attitude. Change it. Before it will turn you to somebody else permanently.

8. Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition towards Mediocre Minds.

9. "It's not that I am so Smart. It's just that I stay longer with Problems"

Crack your problems until end. You will get smarter.

10. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, BUT EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS 😱😱😱

Change! When you feel have not reached your goal / mission , there must be something wrong in your How-To.
Quickly realize that when you get the same results over and over again, there must be something's not right in your way of doing it.

Your choice: whether want to change it or not.

11. Logic will take you from A to B. But IMAGINATION will take you Anywhere.

Never underestimate your Imagination.
Keep fighting with what you believe in. But it will require a Hard Work, Persistence and Great How To Plan. And of course the right people to help you reach that dream.

12. You have to learn the Rule of Game. Then You will need to Play Better.

13. We Can Not Solve Problems with the Same Thinking like when we created them.

Never in this world that we can always solve different problems with the same method.
Therefore, continuous method evolution is needed.

14. The only Source of Knowledge is EXPERIENCE

Experience! That's the only way you can learn something new.
Experiencing new things are always risky but it is worth it.
Experiencing new things can fall to failures a lot. Be prepared and it is ok.

The more mistakes you make, the more knowledge you will get.

15. You will never Fail until You Stop Trying.

Never stop trying until you reach your goal. The How-To might changing but the goal still remain there to achieve.
Never Stop Trying.

16. Once we accept our Limits, in fact we will GO BEYOND THEM.

It is never easy to accept your or our limits. To accept our Weaknesses. To accept our Incapabilities.
But once YOU ACCEPT Them. You will embrace collaborations. You will embrace and invite Team Work.
That is when and where you will Go Beyond Them.

17. A SHIP is always Safe at the shore - but that is not why it was built for

It is the same thing like ourselves.
We are built to explore. To make mistakes although it's risky.
But by exploring, your life will be better. You will learn something new. You will grow.
It is worth it.

18. If you want to live Happy, Tie yourself to A GOAL not to People or Things.

Your GOAL is your personal mission. The How-To, can be changing during the journey. Therefore, no need to always bound to what you have. You can change it. What remain is your Goal. You can always find new ways to get there.

19. Only those who attempt the Absurd who can Reach The Impossible.

Crazy people is what we need.
There is no same way to achieve new goal. Everybody is a hero in their own term. Your predecessor might not succeed in your era and vice versa.

Be crazy to explore new things.

20. BELIEVE! Then It Will Be Possible

When you believe, you will bring the magnet of POSSIBILITY.

21. Everybody is Genius!

Everybody is Genius, but they are all Unique. They all will be succeed in their own Uniqueness.
Find your Uniqueness!
Help to find people's uniqueness!

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