Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Inspiring Quote from ALBERT EINSTEIN


1. Better to be A Man of Value not A Man of Success

Man of Value is consistently delivering value and benefits for other people.
A man of success achieved his wealth and power only for him/herself.

2. In the Middle of Difficulties Lie OPPORTUNITY

Never Give Up.
Never Complaint with your difficult situation.
Always look beyond that in every problems or difficult situations lie OPPORTUNITY. Look for it!
And make it happen!

3. A person who Never Made Mistake , Never Learns Something New.

Explore! Go beyond! Try new things!
Make mistakes! It is ok as long as it is for you to learn.
Never afraid of failures.
By making mistakes, you will learn.

4. Only A LIFE Lived FOR OTHERS are Worthwhile!

There is no good life without giving for others. A good life is when you constantly intend, think and make effort to make good changes for other people.
Your life is not for you. Think about it. Why God let you born? Why God let you live? There must be a reason.
That reason for you to find and implement it. Do it.

5. Life is like Bicycle. You must KEEP MOVING to stay Balanced.

Never stop doing things.
There is no ending in your life until your breath is taken away.
Keep moving.
Keep moving forward.
Never stop trying anything.

6. IMAGINATION is more important than Knowledge.

World needs dreamer. Who dream how to make world better.
We do not need Pessimists, Complainers, or Status-Quo People. We need people who will drive changes.

Imagination comes from your witness and experiences to problems. Then you will imagine "What If..."

7. Weakness of ATTITUDE will become Weakness of CHARACTER

Maintain your Attitude.
Maintain your Respect to Others. Whoever they are. Young / Old, Male/Female, Family/Not Family, High/Low Rank socio class, No excuses.

Avoid ARROGANCE!!!!!
Treat People Fairly.

If you have problem in Attitude. Change it. Before it will turn you to somebody else permanently.

8. Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition towards Mediocre Minds.

9. "It's not that I am so Smart. It's just that I stay longer with Problems"

Crack your problems until end. You will get smarter.

10. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, BUT EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS 😱😱😱

Change! When you feel have not reached your goal / mission , there must be something wrong in your How-To.
Quickly realize that when you get the same results over and over again, there must be something's not right in your way of doing it.

Your choice: whether want to change it or not.

11. Logic will take you from A to B. But IMAGINATION will take you Anywhere.

Never underestimate your Imagination.
Keep fighting with what you believe in. But it will require a Hard Work, Persistence and Great How To Plan. And of course the right people to help you reach that dream.

12. You have to learn the Rule of Game. Then You will need to Play Better.

13. We Can Not Solve Problems with the Same Thinking like when we created them.

Never in this world that we can always solve different problems with the same method.
Therefore, continuous method evolution is needed.

14. The only Source of Knowledge is EXPERIENCE

Experience! That's the only way you can learn something new.
Experiencing new things are always risky but it is worth it.
Experiencing new things can fall to failures a lot. Be prepared and it is ok.

The more mistakes you make, the more knowledge you will get.

15. You will never Fail until You Stop Trying.

Never stop trying until you reach your goal. The How-To might changing but the goal still remain there to achieve.
Never Stop Trying.

16. Once we accept our Limits, in fact we will GO BEYOND THEM.

It is never easy to accept your or our limits. To accept our Weaknesses. To accept our Incapabilities.
But once YOU ACCEPT Them. You will embrace collaborations. You will embrace and invite Team Work.
That is when and where you will Go Beyond Them.

17. A SHIP is always Safe at the shore - but that is not why it was built for

It is the same thing like ourselves.
We are built to explore. To make mistakes although it's risky.
But by exploring, your life will be better. You will learn something new. You will grow.
It is worth it.

18. If you want to live Happy, Tie yourself to A GOAL not to People or Things.

Your GOAL is your personal mission. The How-To, can be changing during the journey. Therefore, no need to always bound to what you have. You can change it. What remain is your Goal. You can always find new ways to get there.

19. Only those who attempt the Absurd who can Reach The Impossible.

Crazy people is what we need.
There is no same way to achieve new goal. Everybody is a hero in their own term. Your predecessor might not succeed in your era and vice versa.

Be crazy to explore new things.

20. BELIEVE! Then It Will Be Possible

When you believe, you will bring the magnet of POSSIBILITY.

21. Everybody is Genius!

Everybody is Genius, but they are all Unique. They all will be succeed in their own Uniqueness.
Find your Uniqueness!
Help to find people's uniqueness!

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Tips from Tony Robbins

1. How YOU can STAND OUT above everyone else and CRUSH the competition - no matter how saturated your marketplace is!

- Be the first in new trends, so your competitors are always seen as copycats!

- The #1 secret all the BIG BOYS in your industry use to stay ahead of everyone else. (Knowing this can level the playing field for you!)

- How to deliver SO MUCH VALUE to your clients they think you're a God-send and they will NEVER stop paying or leave you!

2. How to ATTRACT high-paying clients and get them to pay you MORE than your competitors... over and over again!

- How to find elite, top-tier customers, have them pay you and even refer their high-paying friends to you too!

- Why thinking "customer satisfaction" is a complete recipe for disaster!

- How you can become so loved and trusted to your clients that they'll literally invite you to their children's weddings!

3. How to EXPLOSIVELY GROW your business and take your PROFITS to the NEXT level!

- Spot brand-new opportunities BEFORE everyone else in the marketplace - and put yourself in pole position to make the most profits!

- The best-kept secret to consistently deliver addictive, top-notch products and services that customers love and crave!

- Reduce costs and keep more profits in your pocket! Prevent potential breakdowns in your business LONG before they happen ... and sustain the future of your business! (No more unpleasant surprises and costly mistakes)



1. Keberhasilan bukanlah milik orang yang pintar. Keberhasilan adalah kepunyaan mereka yang senantiasa berusaha.

Dalam video wawancara yang dilakukan dengan Samsung Pak Habibie pernah berkata kalau, “Percuma Anda memiliki IQ tinggi tapi pemalas. Yang penting adalah Anda sehat dan mau berkorban meraih apa yang diinginkan”. Kalimat Pak Habibie ini mengajarkan pada kita bahwa kecerdasan intelektual bukanlah satu-satunya faktor penentu kesukesan. Ada faktor lain yang lebih penting yakni kerja keras. Sepintar dan secerdas apapun seseorang kalau dia tidak memiliki totalitas dalam mengejar mimpinya maka itu semua akan percuma, Jadi bagi anak muda yang sedang gencar mewujudkan cita-cita bekerjalah secara sungguh-sungguh. Karena meskipun kamu pintar tapi kalau tak mau kerja keras maka kesuksesan pasti akan menjauh.

2. Jangan pernah berhenti mengejar yang kamu impikan meski apa yang didamba belum ada di depan mata

Pak Habibie juga pernah merasakan tidak enaknya diremehkan oleh sesama pekerja. Beberapa kali idenya ditolak dan dianggap tak meyakinkan. Namun semua hal menyakitkan itu tak membuat seorang Habibie menyerah. Sebaliknya ia terus berusaha hingga akhirnya apa yang beliau impikan dapat terwujud. Dari kisah beliau adalah satu pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil yakni, “Jangan pernah menyerah”. Ketika apa yang diinginkan belum tercapai, kamu tak boleh berhenti. Bahkan jika perlu kamu harus menambah “mesin semangat” untuk tetap bisa bergerak meraih apa yang kamu yakini.

3. Jadilah pribadi yang selalu siap menjalani setiap tantangan yang datang padamu

Walaupun sudah berusia 80 tahun Pak Habibie tidak pernah kehilangan semangat untuk menjalani hidup. Selain masih aktif bekerja, beliau juga disibukkan dengan beragam kegiatan mulai dari menulis buku hingga menjadi pembicara di berbagai acara. Bagi mantan Presiden Indonesia ketiga ini, selama belum menutup mata ia akan “menantang” dirinya untuk terus berkarya. Spirit hidup ala Pak Habibie yang selalu siap itulah yang wajib bisa ditiru.

4. Meraih masa depan yang cerah tidak akan didapat dengan mudah. Kamu harus mau berkorban untuk mendapatkan hal tersebut

Pelajaran hidup yang penting diketahui oleh anak muda dari Pak Habibie adalah meraih kesuksesan itu bukanlah perkara mudah. Bahkan kamu bisa jadi harus merasakan jatuh berkali-kali demi meraih apa kamu inginkan. Filosofi meraih kesuksesan ini juga selaras dengan pendapat Soichiro Honda yang mengatakan “Orang melihat kesuksesan saya hanya satu persen. Tapi mereka tidak melihat 99% kegagalan saya” yang secara tersirat berarti untuk meraih keberhasilan kamu harus bersusah payah terlebih dahulu.  Tidak ada keberhasilan yang didapat dengan cara mudah dan cepat. Sebaliknya kemungkinan besar kamu harus merasakan sakitnya kegagalan hingga akhirnya benar-benar mengecap keberhasilan.

5. FOCUS and CONSISTENT. Apabila kamu sudah memutuskan menekuni suatu bidang, jadilah orang yang konsisten. Itu adalah kunci keberhasilan yang sebenarnya

Tidak hanya kemauan untuk bekerja keras, formula lainnya yang juga tak kalah penting untuk diterapkan adalah konsistensi ketika menekuni sebuah bidang. Pak Habibie mengatakan ketika ia memutuskan untuk menjadi insinyur penerbangan, ia fokus di ranah tersebut. Sekalipun dihadapkan dengan berbagai tantangan ia tidak lantas keluar

6. Bertekadlah untuk menjadi pribadi yang berguna bagi lingkungan sekitar. Gunakan apa yang kamu punya untuk membantu sesama manusia

Terakhir menurut Pak Habibie yang tak boleh dilupakan adalah tetap jadi pribadi yang berusaha memanfaatkan kesuksesanmu untuk membantu sesama. Segala yang kamu cita-citakan hendaknya harus berguna bagi orang lain. Jangan sampai kamu hanya fokus mengejar keberhasilan tapi tidak mementingkan kepentingan bersama..

Semoga 6 pesan Pak Habibie di atas dapat bermanfaat..

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2016

Why Asians Are Bad in Collaboration and Agility?

Why Asians are bad at collaboration and agility

Asian cultures and practices are deeply rooted in Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist principles, some of which pose challenges to collaboration and agility in an organisation. (think: lack of direct feedback, and hesitation in speaking up during meetings).

According to research by Jean-François Cousin, author of Game Changers at the Circus, organisations in Asia face three key challenges that prevent employees from working together more closely, or changing themselves and organisational processes fast enough.

1. Generally low levels of genuine self-esteem

In Asia, due to the culture of not wanting to damage relationships or embarrass anyone, direct feedback for improvement is scarce and often results in limited self-awareness.

At the same time, appearing to be ‘vulnerable’ as a manager is traditionally not done in large ‘power-distance’ societies like Asia, leading to a lack of authentic role-models for self-acceptance of one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Consequently, Asian managers, though appearing confident on the outside, actually often have fragile self-esteem/self-confidence.

2. Negative effects of paternalistic management on accountability and engagement

The traditional Asian boss is typically a ‘father’ or ‘mother’ figure, directive and protective of their subordinates. They are likely to go to great lengths to ensure their employees’ well-being and in return, employees will comply with the boss’ decisions.

The boss is usually fully accountable for their decision and in case the boss’ decision is wrong, it’s not thought of as a problem of their employees. At the same time, employees are likely to have limited empowerment and slow talent development.

The repercussions are that employees are likely to have low autonomy, initiative and accountability levels; this is a major motivation-driver, as being under-leveraged, employees might not be as motivated.

3. Risk and mistake avoidance, discomfort with uncertainty are common

In Asia, leaders are typically seen as the problem solvers, they are expected to know the best way ahead and not fail.

Hence, risk-taking is usually minimised, mistakes are best avoided – and may be hidden when they happen – learning from mistakes is also rarely emphasised.

The combination of risk-avoidance and fragile self-esteem of these ‘traditional leaders’ coupled with their employees having low level of autonomy and initiative generates great discomfort with uncertainty.

Together, the three challenges account for mediocre levels of collaboration across departments in Asia, research shows.

Nevertheless, Cousin’s research also found six factors in Asian working environments that favour collaboration and agility:

Success at work is generally an important part of life in Asia, with high energy and long work hours invested into it.
Great overall thirst for learning.
High perceptions of and sensitivity to others’ needs.
The wish to build stronger relationships with colleagues, with the view to build a “second family” at work.
Remarkable resilience to hardships.

Most importantly, the ability to display impressive creativity and collaboration to yield notable organisation agility in severe crisis.

Sektor Potensi Indonesia untuk menjadi Pemain Global

4 Sektor Ini Bisa Bikin Indonesia Jadi Pemain Global
Oleh Achmad Dwi Afriyadi pada 13 Agu 2016, 17:00 WIB, Bogor - Ketua Komite Ekonomi dan Industri Nasional (KEIN) Soetrisno Bachir mengatakan, Indonesia mesti memiliki strategi industri supaya bisa bersaing di tingkat global.

Soetrisno Bachir mengatakan, Indonesia punya potensi sumber daya alam dan manusia yang jika dikembangkan akan membuat Indonesia unggul. Dari situ, dia mengatakan terdapat empat sektor potensial yakni

1. agrobisnis,
2. maritim,
3. industri kreatif, dan
4. pariwisata.

"Kita itu dengan 4 sektor bisa menjadi pemain dunia. Jangan ikut-ikutan, jangan saingan Airbus, Boeing, Toyota tidak mungkin, tidak perlu," kata dia dalam Workshop Media di Bogor, Sabtu (13/8/2016).

Dia menuturkan, sektor tersebut merupakan kekuatan Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki kekayaan alam. Di sisi lain, Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk yang besar. Sebagian besar angkatan kerjanya merupakan lulusan SD dan SMP. "Jangan bikin industri yang tenaga kerja tapi dinikmati segelintir orang," kata dia.

Untuk agrobisnis, dia menuturkan Indonesia memiliki tanah yang subur.

Begitu pula dengan sektor maritim di mana Indonesia memiliki kekayaan laut. "Kemudian maritim biota lautnya, ikannya, minyaknya. Kemudian transportasi," kata dia.

Dari industri kreatif, Indonesia merupakan negara yang multikultur. Artinya, Indonesia memiliki hasil kebudayaan berupa kerajinan.

Tak sekadar itu, pariwisata Indonesia juga berpotensi menjadi pemain global karena memiliki tempat-tempat yang indah. Dia menambahkan, jika sektor itu dikembangkan maka sektor lain akan turut berkembang.

"Kalau ini kekuatan global kita yang lain ikut. Tekstil ikut. Industri lainnya misalnya perumahan, properti ikut," tutur dia. (Amd/Ahm)


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Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

The 20 Bad Habits of Higher Position Individuals


1. Wants to WIN IT ALL
The need to won it all cost and in all situations. Whatever it takes.

2. Adding Too Much Values
Meddling small things. Micromanaging. Desire to add our opinions in every discussions.

3. Passing JUDGEMENT
The need to rate others and impose our standard on others.

4. Making Destructive COMMENTS
The needless sarcasms and cutting remarks that we think make us sound sharp and witty.

5. Starting with "No", "But", or "However"
The overuse of these negatives qualifiers which secretly say to everyone : I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG.

6. Telling the World how SMART we are
The need to show people that we are smarter than they think we are.

7. Speaking when We Are ANGRY
Using emotional volatility as management tool. Uncontrolled.

8. Negativity or "Let me tell you why that won't work"
The need to share our negative thought even we are not asked.

9. Withholding Informations
The refusal to share information in order to maintain superiority over others.

10. Failing to give Proper RECOGNITION
The inability to appreciate, praise and reward.

11. Claiming CREDIT that We don't Deserve
The most annoying way to overestimate our contribution to any success.

12. Making EXCUSES
The need to reposition our annoying behavior as permanent fixture so people excuse us for it.

Think that the past glories will take us the same success in the future. Living in the Past. Not Open Mind. Not Listening. Blaming situations or others.

14. Playing FAVORITES
Failing to see that we are treating someone unfairly

15. Refusing to express Regret
The inability to take responsibilities of our actions. Unable to admit that we are Wrong. Unable to recognize how our actions effect others.

The most passive-aggressive form of disrespect others

17. Failing to Express GRATITUDE
The most basic form of bad manners. Ca not say "Thank You". Unable to Feeling grateful.

18. Punishing the Messenger
The misguided need to attack the innocent who is actually trying to help us. Can not listen. Need someone to blame.

19. Passing The Buck of BLAMES
Blaming everyone except ourselves

20. An excessive need to be "ME". EGO.
Overfocusing on ME or US. Think that we have done great, the Best Ever and no one can beat us.

Sure that we do still own several points above. What should we do?
Believe that our past success will not in definite bring another same success.
Believe that other people are worth to listen.
Believe that you are not a superhero who can reach your success without others.

The higher you go, the more your problems are Behavioral.

What next? Build list of:

So, how many habits you own from the list?


GlobeAsia: 150 Richest Indonesians (June 2016)

Summary of '150 Richest Indonesians' published by GlobeAsia magazine in its June 2016 edition.

No. Name Business Group Estimated wealth
2016 2015
1. Robert Hartono (75) & Michael Hartono (76) Djarum Group (Cigarette, Hotel, Mall, Hotel) , BCA (Banking) $14.8b $15b
2. Anthoni Salim (67) Salim Group (Indofood), First Pacific $11.0b $10.55b
3. Eka Tjipta Widjaja (93) Sinar Mas Group (Property, Real Estate, Bank, Paper) $10.5b $12.6b
4. Susilo Wonowidjojo (59) Gudang Garam (Cigarette) $10.0b $8b
5. Chairul Tanjung (54) CT Corp (Bank Mega, Carrefour Retail, F&B Retail, Media TV, Media Online, Hotel, Amusement Park) $4.8b $3.8b
6. Sri Prakash Lohia (63) Indorama Group $4.1b $2.4b
7. Putera Sampoerna (66) Sampoerna Strategic (Agro Industry) $3.5b $2.85b
8. Aburizal Bakrie, (68) Bakrie Group $2.5b $2.4b
9. Eddy William Katuari, (64) Wings Group $2.4b $2.3b (Consumer Goods)
10. Sukanto Tanoto, (66) Royal Golden Eagle $2.2b $2.45b
11. Mochtar Riady, (87) Lippo Group $2.2b $2.5b (Lifestyle Mall, Real Estate, Bank, F&B Retail Store, Hospital Siloam, University)
12. Theodore P Rachmat (72) Triputra Group, Adaro (Mining, Rubber, CPO) $2.1b $2b
13. Sjamsul Nursalim, (73) Gajah Tunggal Group $2.05b $1.8b
14. Peter Sondakh (64) Rajawali Group $2b $2.6b
15. Tahir, (64) Mayapada Group $1.95b $1.8b
16. Martua Sitorus, (57) Wilmar International $1.9b $2.46b
17. Edwin Soeryadjaya, (66) Saratoga, Recapital $1.8b $1.9b (Investment, Infrastructure, Mining, Banking)
18. Eddy Sariaatmadja, (65) and Fofo Sariaatmadja,(53) Elang Mahkota Technology $1.8b $1.75b (Media Television, Mining)
19. Hary Tanoesoedibjo, (51) MNC Group (Media TV, Mining, Investment) $1.75b $1.66b
20. Haryanto Adikoesoemo, (70) AKR Corporindo $1.7b $1.4b
21. Jakob Oetama, (85) and Lilik Oetama Kompas Gramedia Group $1.6b $1.5b (Media Newspaper, Media TV, Media Online)
22. Ciputra, (85) Ciputra Group $1.6b $1.5b (Real Estate, Mall Lifestyle)
23. Aksa Mahmud, (71) Bosowa Corporation $1.55b $1.5b (Cement Factory, Property)
24. Djoko Susanto, (67) Sumber Alfaria Trijaya $1.5b $1.7b (Retail Supermarket)
25. The Nin King, (85) Argo Manunggal Group $1.5b $1.7b
26. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono, (87) Harita Group $1.5b $1.6b
27. Benjamin Jiaravanon, (43) & Jialipto Jiaravanon (41) Charoen Pokphand Indonesia $1.5b $1.3b (Food Packing Consumer Goods)
28. Suryadi Darmadi, (66) Duta Palma Nusantara Group $1.45b $1.6b
29. Kartini Muljadi, (84) and Handojo s Muljadi, (50) Tempo Scan Group $1.4b $1.5b (Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Goods)
30. Murdaya Poo, (75) and Siti Hartati Murdaya, (70) Central Cipta Murdaya $1.4b $1.3b
31. Hartadi Angkosubroto, (63) and Husodo Angkosubroto, (61) Gunung Sewu Group $1.3b $1.4b (Real Estate, Food Consumer Goods)
32. Dato Low Tuck Kwong, (67) Bayan Resources $1.25b $1.2b
33. Rusdi Kirana, (53) Lion Air Group (Airline) $1.2b $1.1b
34. Teddy Thohir, (81) and Garibaldi Thohir, (51) TNT Group $1.1b $1.2b
35. Husein Djojonegoro, (67) ABC, Orang Tua Group $1.1b $950m (Consumer Goods)
36. Mu’min Ali Gunawan,( 77) Panin Group $1.2b $1.2b (Banking)
37. Martias, 78 and Tjiliandra Fangiono, (40) First Resources $950m $900m
38. Sugianto Kusuma, (65) Agung Sedayu, Bank Artha Graha $910m $900m
39. Handojo Santoso, (52) Japfa Comfeed Group $910m $680m (Frozen Food Packing Consumer Goods)
40. Gunawan Jusuf, (62) Sugar Group Companies $905m $820m (Sugar Consumer Goods, Coffee)
41. Johan Lensa, (66) J Resources $900m $800m
42. Luntungan Honoris, (67) Modern Group $800m $950m (7 Eleven Mini Market)
43. Tomy Winata, (58) Artha Graha Group $900m $900m
44. Hashim Djojohadikusumo, (62) Arsari Group $900m $900m
45. Benny Subianto, (75) Persada Capital Group $845m $900m (my uncle) (Adaro Mining, Hotel, CPO, PLTU, Hospital)
46. Alexander Tedja (72) and Melinda Tedja, (72) Pakuwon Group $840m $830m (Lifestyle Mall, Real Estate)
47. Sandiaga Uno, (47) Saratoga, Recapital: Private equity, investment $830m $840m
48. Boenjamin Setiawan, (83) & Family Kalbe Farma $800m $810m (Pharmaceuticals, Growing Up Milk, Health products)
49. Jusuf Kalla & Family, (74) Kalla Group $750m $720m
50. Osbert Lyman, (66) Lyman Group: Property, plantations $740m $750m
51. Jan Darmadi, (75) Jan Darmadi Group $720m $740m
52. Prajogo Pangestu, (66) Barito Pacific Group $710m $660m
53. John Chuang, (66) Ceres Indonesia, Petra Food $700m $670m (Consumer Goods)
54. Eka Tjandranegara, (69) Mulia Group $690m $700m
55. Muki Tan, (57) Rodamas Group $660m $645m
56. Hutomo Mandala Putra, (54) Humpuss $655m $600m
57. Kuncoro Wibowo, (61) Ace Hardware $655m $400m (Retail Stores, F&B Stores)
58. George Tahija, (58) and Sjakon Tahija, (63) Austindo Nusantara Jaya $650m $640m
59. Subianto Tjandra, (72) Ateja Group $650m $625m
60. Harjo Sutanto, (76) Wings Group $640m $620m (Consumer Goods)
61. Desi Sulistio Hidayat, (85) & Family Sido Muncul $640m $600m (Herbal Consumer Goods, Hotel)
62. Bachtiar Karim, (59) Musim Mas $630m $590m
63. Soegiharto Sosrodjoyo, (82) Rekso Group $610m $560m (Teh Botol Consumer Goods, McDonald's Restaurant)
64. Sudhamek, (60) Garuda Food Group $590m $570m (Consumer Goods)
65. Sofjan Wanandi, (72) Gemala Group, Santini Group $580m $570m
66. AHK Hamami, (80) ABM Investment, Trakindo Group $570m $575m (Heavy Equipment, Mining)
67. Tan Kian, (58) Dua Mutiara $570m $550m
68. Purnomo Prawiro, (69) Blue Bird Group $560m $650m (Transportation)
69. Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono, (45) Indika Energy $550m $610m
70. Sutanto Djuhar, (87) First Pacific $545m $565m
71. Wiwoho B Tjokronegoro, (77) Indika Energy $540m $605m
72. Heru Hidayat, (66) Inti Agri Resources $530m $650m
73. Amirsjah Risjad,(49) Risjadson Group $515m $530m
74. Hendro Gondokusumo, (66) Intiland $510m $550m
75. Iwan Budi Brasali, (69) and Aldo Brasali,(48) Brasali Group $510m $530m
76. Alim Markus, (65) Maspion Group $507m $510m (Electronics Consumer Goods)
77. Henry Pribadi, (69) Napan Group $505m $530m
78. Kiki Barki, (77) Harum Energy Group $500m $630m
79. Arifin Panigoro, (70) and Hilmi Panigoro, (60) Medco Group $475m $520m
80. Rudy Suliawan, (65) Karang Mas Sejahtera $490m $520m
81. Ginawan Tjondro, (62) CNI Group $490m $500m
82. Jimmy Masrin, (54) Lautan Luas Group $480m $500m (Logistic Shipping)
83. Sugiono W Sugialam, (55) and Kindarto Kohar Trikomsel Group $480m $460m (Telecommunication and Gadget Shops)
84. Harry Sanusi (49) Kino Group $470m
85. Mohammad Reza Chalid, (56) Global Energy Resources $460m $470m
86. Trihatma K Haliman, (64) Agung Podomoro Group $450m $540m (Lifestyle Mall, Real Estate)
87. Rosan Roeslani, (47) Recapital $450m $440m
88. Mrs Hendro Setiawan family Pikko Group $450m $430m
89. Kris Taenar Wiluan, (67) Citra Mas Group $450m $400m
90. Dahlan Iskan, (64) Jawa Pos Group $445m $415m (Media Newspaper)
91. Surya Dharma Paloh, (65) Media Indonesia $440m $450m (Media Television, Media Newspaper)
92. K. Gowindasamy, (69) Mitra Jaya Group $430m $500m
93. Yos Sutomo, (84) Sumber Mas $430m $420m
94. Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono, (88) Sahid Group $425m $450m
95. Rudolph Merukh, (50) and Lucky Merukh, (51) Merukh Enterprises $400m $495m
96. Jahja Santoso, (71) Sanbe Farma $390m $405m
97. Sabana Prawirawidjaja, (74) Ultrajaya Group $385m $380m (Ultra Milk Consumer Goods)
98. Tatang Hermawan, (65) Fuju PalapaTextiles, Bank Parahyangan: $380m $360m
99. Iwan Lukminto, (40) Sritex Group $350m $450m
100. Djoenaedi Joesoef, (83) Konimex $360m $350m (Pharmaceuticals)
101. Didi Dawis, (70) Ling Brothers $355m $350m
102. Muljadi Budiman, (61) Honda Prospect Motor $350m $355m (Car Shop)
103. Oesman Sapta Odang, (66) OSO Group $350m $340m
104. Boyke Gozali, (67) Mitra Adi Perkasa $330m $320m (Shop Retail, F&B Retail Starbucks, Luxury Retail Shops)
105. Chandra Lie, 52 & Hendry Lie, (50) Sriwijaya Air $325m $300m (Airline)
106. Benny Suherman, (69) Studio 21 Group $325m $315m (Cinema)
107. Henry Onggo, (83) Ratu Sayang Group $320m $310m
108. Johnny Widjaja, (82) Sintesa Group $315m $300m
109. Paulus Tumewu, (64) Ramayana Group $300m $305m (Shop Department Store Retail)
110. Soetjipto Nagaria, (76) Summarecon Group $290m $300m (Real Estate, Lifestyle Mall, Apartment)
111. Siswono Yudohusodo, 73() Bangun Cipta Sarana: Construction, livestock breeding $285m $275m
112. Winarko Sulistyo, (69) Fajar Surya Wisesa $275m $295m
113. Tan Tjai Kie, (62) Gunung Garuda Steel $275m $260m
114. Kaharudin Ongko, (79) Ongko Group $270m $290m
115. Pontjo Sutowo, (65) Nugra Sentana Group $270m $285m
116. Anton Setiawan, (70) Tunas Group $260m $275m
117. Johanes B. Kotjo, (70) Apac Group: Textiles $267m $270m
118. Sendi Bingei, (87) Sumatra Tobacco Trading: Tobacco, food $265m $260m
119. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, (71) Sultan of Yogyakarta $260m $255m
120. Budi Purnomo Hadisurjo, (79) Melawai Group $265m $250m (Optic Store, Restaurants, Shop Retail)
121. Elizabeth Sindoro, (58) Dan Liris, Paramount Group $255m $265m
122. Ilham Habibie, (53) and Thareq Habibie,(51) Ilthabi Rekatama $250m $240m
123. Karmaka Surjaudaja, (83) OCBC NISP Group $245m $250m (Banking)
124. Bambang Trihatmodjo, (63) Asriland $240m $235m
125. Rachmat Gobel, (54) Gobel International $240m $230m (Electronic Consumer Goods Manufacture)
126. Samin Tan, (54) Borneo Lumbung $230m $250m
127. Stanley S Atmadja, (60) Asco Automotive $220m $220m
128. GS Margono, (76) Gapura Prima Group $210m $220m
129. G Lukman Pudjiadi, (59) Jayakarta Group $205m $215m
130. Widarto,(71) Sungai Budi Group $200m $210m
131. Mardjoeki Atmadiredja, (68) Surya Toto Indonesia $200m $205m
132. Siti Hardijanti Rukmana, (67) Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada $190m $200m
133. Shindo Sumidomo, (61) Siantar Top $190m $200m
134. Iskandar Widyadi, (80) Bank Jasa Jakarta $190m $195m
135. Ricardo Gelael, (56) Fast Food Indonesia $185m $125m (F&B Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurants Retail)
136. Anna Bambang Surjo Sunindar, (62) Kirana Tanker $180m $190m
137. Honggo Wendratno, (68) Arsari Pratama $170m $185m
138. A Tong, (71) Roda Vivatex $160m $180m
139. Rudy Unjoto, (67) Daliatex Kusuma $165m $175m
140. Batihalim Stefanus, 51 Nojorono Tobacco $155m $160m (Cigarette)
141. Mintarjo Halim, 61 Sandratex $150m $155m
142. Soedjono,(67) Wira Sakti Adimulya $148m $150m
143. Fajar Suhendra, (68) Sumatra Growth Group $140m $145m
144. Jacobus Busono, (76) Pura Group $140m $130m
145. A Siang Rusli, (54) Kurnia Tetap Mulia $135m $120m
146. Bambang Setijo, (74) Pan Brothers $135m $140m
147. Tandean Rustandy, (58) Arwana Citramulia $130m $140m
148. Setiawan Djody, (67) Setdco Group $130m $135m
149. Marimutu Maniwanen, (61) Busana Apparel Group $110m $115m
150. Ishak Charlie, (61) Arga Citra Kharisma $110m $115m
151. Cak RH, (gak jelas), $107m

This is a good list to know the map of potential where Indonesian now need. I would sum up:
- Consumer Goods (packed foods, sugar, coffee, milk)
- Banking
- Retail Shops
- F&B Restaurants / Retail
- MEDIA: TV, Newspaper and Online
- Real Estate : City, Apartment, Houses
- Lifestyle Mall
- Hotel
- Airline
- Transportation
- Pharmaceuticals
- Investment
- Cigarette