Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Learned from Globe 150 Indonesian Richest

Accidentally reading recent 150 richest Globe Magazine and learned another more from Mas @SandiagaUno that creating businesses must envision what future might need, by reading present trends. Then brave enough to initiate, take risk and make it happen.

Another improtant article came from Pak Teddy P Rachmat where his wisdom saying that "To create businesses must envision the businesses to be important national assets. To create things what matter for people"

This is the beauty of Entrepreneurship : to envision, to create and to build what will make people's better life.

Lastly, looking at the profile of 150 Indonesian Richest, surprisingly I learned that none of them would care so much on competition. They dont compete just to compare their wealth.
They focus on their works, their ouput creation.

I guess this is another tips of success. "Dont bother to competition , or even worse; comparing". Focus on your work and your creations.

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