Selasa, 14 April 2020


Alhamdulillah pagi ini cerah dan semoga kita semua dalam kesehatan yang prima dan keselamatan dari wabah virus corona ini, bagi yang terpapar mari kita bersama-sama bahu membahu menyembuhkan diri dan kerabat dan saling tolong-menolong.

Beberapa hari terakhir ini (fase WFH ke 2 dengan pemeberlakuannya PSBB di beberapa wilayah - dan akan terus menuju ke nasional coverage) saya banyak bertemu dengan beberapa pengusaha - entrepreuneur - pemilik perusahaan - top management baik perusahaan kecil, menengah dan besar ada 3 type yang bertemu dan berdiskusi dalam mensikapi kondisi saat ini :

1. Beberapa sahabat yang begitu sangat positif karena berkah "Blessing in disguise" dalam kondisi peribahan dampak covi-19 ini mendapatkan kesempatan peningkatan omset dan penambahan kapasitas kerja dan SDM. Dan bahkan dalam kondisi ini ada sahabat yang mendapatkan injeksi investasi yang terbilang cukup besar.

2. Ada beberapa sahabat yang tetap semangat dan ceria dan terus menularkan positivity kepada lingkungannya dengan terus berbagi : sharing ilmu, berbagi tentang tips menghadapi siatuasi berat ini hingga mentoring-mentoring class gratis untuk saling menguatkan dan saling mendorong untuk terus bertahan dan bangkit mencari celah kesempatan. Sahabat di type 2 ini lah mereka yang sanggup melakukan pivot bisnis mulai dari : 

- awalnya toko untuk persiapan baju muslim ramadhan Raya pivot menjadi toko minuman kekinian dengan delivery services, 

- merubah pabrik konveksi baju menjadi APD kesehatan, 

- perusahaan teknologi development yang tadinya fokus di pengembangan produk khusus menjadi produk SaaS, hingga 

- perubahan yang tadinya perusahaan pembersih sofa dan bed menjadi perusahaan disinfectant, 

- dan dari tadinya perusahaan pabrik kosmetik menjadi perusahaan sanitasi product seperti hand sanitizer dll.....

3. Namun dari sekian banyak yang terdampak dapat mengambil celah kesempatan dengan pivoting bisnisnya, lebih banyak saat ini yang memang betul terdampak dan tak bisa berbuat banyak.... 
- seperti industry F&B yang semua berbasis Dine in menghadapi tekanan lebih berat, 
- perusahaan Hotel dan travel sesungguhnya ambyar, 
- pemilik perusahaan jasa transportasi publik berfikir keras merubahnya menjadi perusahaan angkutan barang tanpa orang, 
- perusahaan teknologi yang berbasis teknologi solution design base menjadi terhambap proses deal dan implementasi, 
- hingga tekanan bagi perusahaan kosmetik yang berbasis salon dan layanan fasilitas umum entertaiment seperti bioskop, salon, fitnes dll.

Alhamdulillah, kami terkumpul dan saling terhubung di beberapa grup komunitas yang saling bahu membahu memikirkan dan mengusahakan dengan sangat bersungguh-sungguh dan keras untuk dapat melewati masa sulit ini berasama seluruh team dalam organisasi.
hampir semua dari para pengusaha, pemilik bisnis, entrepreneur dan Top management ini hampir bersepakat memiliki jiwa dan misi yang sama : bagaimana menyelamatkan karyawan - karena PHK itu adalah kalo bisa jadi langkah terakhir! 

Kami saling membantu bagi perusahaan yang terkena dampak terpaksa harus PHK kami buka kesempatan untuk mengalihkan karyawan2 tersebut pada perusahaan yang di point 1 dan 2. 

Hingga kami para pengusaha dan top manageent ini sudah ikhlas mengorbankan diri untuk memotong pendapatan or gaji demi keberlangsungan perusahaan.

Beberapa catatan perubahan behaviour customer memasuki fase 2 WFH bebentuk PSBB ini. 

Di fase pertama : terjadi peningkatan penjualan di bisnis : FARMASI - directly terkait dengan corona - Masker, APD, vitamin, daya tahan tubuh, supplement

hingga delivery services retail dan ecommerce dan makanan siap saji ke kinian

Di fase ke dua ini perlahan bergerak : diproduk healthcare yang direct ke corona tetap tinggi namun tidak setinggi sebelumnya, mulai meningkat indirect kesehatan dan lifestyle seperti :

1. Kesehatan dan LifeStyle
1a. peralatan fitness dan gymnastik untuk latihan kebugaran di rumah dan 
1b. perlatan memasak seperti mixer, spatula, oven dll meningkat krn family muda dengan anak2 sudah mulai mencari kegiatan dengan memasak bersama. 
1c. Peralatan home salon : cat warna rambut hingga peralatan salon2an dan alat cukur meningkat : yang gondrong mulai pada cukur sendiri. semua yang terkait dengan DIY alias Do It Yourself itu meningkat

2. Homedecor dan furniture juga meningkat peningkatan dengan WFH dan SFH beberapa keluarga sudah mulai menset up home office atau ruang kerja di rumah masing - masing termasuk penjualan peralatan elektronik dan gajet.

3. F&B : semakin banyak perubahan dari dine in dipaksa untuk delivery maka meningkatlah makanan produk Frozen dan Marinate Food yang secara automatis meningkatkan penjualan peralatan dapur dan dan perlengkapannya - freezer dan chiller. yang menarik diindustry makanan adalah semakin banyak muncul Home Food Brand dan mulai ibu-ibu saling membuat masakan dirumah dan menjualnya di online atau di group-group messenger keluarga dan komunitas dan tak lupa makanan kampung halaman semakin meningkat transaksi antar kota nya! karena kangen tak bsa pulang kampung.... makanan oleh-oleh meningkat tajam.

4. Training dan hal-hal webinar class tentang DIY dan creativity meningkat sekali dengan tema-tema yang sangat bervarian. Lama-lama bosen juga nonton Drakor Melulu. Bahkan ini menjadi bukti.... pengajian online semakin banyak (apalagi menjelang Ramadhan - ingat 11 HARI LAGI PUASA loh) bahkan undangan Tahlilan Online bagi keluraga yang sedang duka itu sudah terjadi. bahkan Yoga Class Webinar jadi favorit sekarang.

5. banyak peluang lain yang bisa kita lakukan dan ambil sebagai manfaat untuk melanjutkan keberlangsungan bisnis.... NEW FUTURE NORMAL IS CREATING NOW!

Foto : Rise & Fall of Stay @ Home Economy Mas Yuswo Hady

Minggu, 05 April 2020

50 Work from Home Profession

50 Work-From-Home Jobs Paying as Much or a Lot More Than the Average American Salary

The money can be pretty good but you're on your own. For some people that's the best part.

There was a time when working from home was a pipe dream, but recently, there's been a surge of jobs you can do from your own place.

Whether that’s working remotely for a company or starting your own business, there’s no shortage of work-from-home opportunities. Here are 50 options, many of which can generate annual earnings that equate to more than the average American salary. 

1. Affiliate Marketer / Salesman

For those unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, it’s simply referral marketing where you earn a commission. Let’s say that you have a website and refer a book on Amazon. When the visitor clicks the affiliate link and buys the book, Amazon will pay you a percentage of the sale. People love affiliate marketing because they can start earning money passively with few startup costs.

Related: 5 Ways to Ensure Remote Employees Feel Part of the Team

2. Animator

Are you an artistic and creative individual who is able to create animation and visual effects for television, movies, video games and other types of media? Then you can work at home as freelance animator. (Personally, I’ve seen animators make between $25 to $106 an hour on sites like Upwork.)

3. Baker/Caterer/Chef

If you have a knack for baking or cooking, then turn your passion into a side business. From your own kitchen, you could start a catering business or become a personal chef. If you’re a baker, you could sell you goods to friends, neighbors, online or at local farmer’s markets.

4. Blogger

Blogging is inexpensive and easy to start doing. It could be as simple as you just writing about your favorite music or food, and eventually, you can start generating money from your site. Just keep in mind that you need to pay patient when it comes to cashing in on your blog. If this is something you want to pursue, check out this guide.

5. Bookkeeper / Accountant

Believe it or not, you don’t have to be a CPA to start bookkeeping. Just sign up for a bookkeeping course at a community college or even online (such as this course from The Accounting Coach). Once you complete a course, you can start earning, and the median salary is reportedly $34,000. (Some stay-at-home bookkeepers I've spoken with personally make more than $70,000.)

6. Child Caregiver at Home

Whether if it’s just for a couple of hours or for the entire day, running a childcare business from your home can be lucrative. Just make sure that you obtain the correct licenses and permits.

7. Clinical Research Coordinator

Clinical research coordinators help manage operations for clinical trials. You could make more than $48,000 with this job, and you don't need a bachelor's degree.

Related: Bashing the Stereotypes: What You Need to Know About Gen Z

8. Consulting / Data Analyst 

If you have experience and knowledge in a specific area, then consider sharing it with others. For example, if you’re an accountant or lawyer, then you can provide advice to small businesses for a pretty penny. You could also consult businesses on how to use a new software program or how to become more environmentally friendly. (If you're interested, my company offers a consulting guide to get started.) . More examples: 

Business Consultant, Business Analyst

9. Customer Service Representative

Do you possess excellent communication skills? Do you also have a landline and reliable internet? Then you can earn between $8 and $15 per hour as a customer service representative.

10. Data Entry

Inputting data for businesses isn’t the most of exciting of jobs. However, you don’t need any previous experience, and you can start at $10 per hour.

11. Copy Writing

You can write copy for businesses from your home and, in some cases, earn up to six figures. Try Fiverr or Upwork to find gigs. 

12. E-commerce Store Owner

There are five types of e-commerce business models: dropshipping, wholesaling, manufacturing, white-labeling and subscriptions. Thanks to sites like Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce, you can quickly launch your own ecommerce store.

13. Editing and Proofreading

Companies like Book in a Box pay around $20 per hour to editors, book jacket designers and proofreaders.

14. Event Planner

Whether if it’s planning a wedding, birthday party or corporate event, people are looking for organized individuals to do most of the event planning for them.

Related: Learn the 4 Principles That Helped This Virtual Company Become One of the Best Cultures in America

15. Film and Post Instructional Videos

Are you really good at something? Try creating a YouTube account and filming yourself instructing others on how to do what you're skilled at. To start earning some cash, enroll in YouTube’s partner program so that you can make $1 to $2 per 1,000 views.

16. Grant Writer

Universities, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations often need to apply for grant money. Since these applications can be difficult to write, these businesses often turn to talented grant writers. As a grant writer, you can make between $40,300 and $67,000 per year.

17. Graphic Designer

Many businesses are in need of someone to design their logos, websites or visual ads. If you have a degree or certification in this area, you can make a comfortable salary annually (reportedly $45,000 and up). The more skilled you are, the more clients you'll likely get through word of mouth. Here's a guide on how to build a website that can help you get started.

18. Handmade Crafter

Do you make handmade products like jewelry or furniture? If so, try setting up an Etsy shop and selling your handmade crafts online.

19. Instructor

Do you know how to play a musical instrument? Can you get people into shape? Whatever your knowledge or experience, some people will pay you to share that information with them, whether in person or online.

20. Internet Security Specialist

As an internet security specialist, you monitor networks for security threats and implement security standards. You may also install data protection systems as well. Given the attention that online security has been receiving, this job is expected to grow steadily over the next several years.

Related: How to Stay Motivated Working From Home

21. Online Juror

When attorneys prepare for a trial, they often seek feedback on their case. Depending on the mock jury website you choose, you can make between $5 to $150 for your opinion.

22. Online Teacher

Are you a teacher who's looking for a more flexible schedule? Then consider teaching via Skype or via a pre-recorded session through organizations like K12and Connections Academy.

23. Patent or Intellectual Property Lawyer

Applying for a patent or protecting intellectual property are both areas where expert advice is needed. As such, if this is your area of the law, you could reportedly make between $112 and $121 per hour.

24. Peer-to-Peer Lender

Thanks to sites like Lending Club and Prosper, you can easily lend money to a business or individual. As an investor, you'd make money on the paid interest of the note.

25. Pet Groomer

Do you love being around animals? Are you also patient enough to clean and style pets? If so, this could be a great home-based business.

Related: The Biggest Do's and Don'ts of Video Conferencing

26. Photographer/Videographer

Even though everyone has a camera on their phone these days, there’s still a need for these types of professionals like for events like weddings. You can also sell your images on sites like Foap.

27. Product Reviewer

You can make a decent living (reportedly between $20,000 and $95,000) just by reviewing the products that you use daily.

28. Programmer

Learn a programming language, such as Ruby, and you could end up making around $61 per hour for programming. If you’re interested, here’s a handy programmer guide to get you on your way.

29. Realtor

While you can run a reality business from your home, as long as you have your state’s real estate license, you still need to show potential buyers the home. But don’t forget that you also have to prepare the home for showing. Thanks to technology, you can become a virtual realtor where you can show a property without having to be there in person.

30. Renter 

Do you have an extra bedroom? How about a car you don’t drive everyday? Are there household items laying around collecting dust? If so, try renting them out to people who could use them. (I personally made over $50,000 renting out my basement in 2017.)

31. Repairer

If you have a knack for fixing things, like bicycles, cars or computers, then consider launching your own repair business. It probably doesn’t cost more than a little marketing to get started since you probably already have the tools and resources.

Related: 3 Ways to Keep Employees Productive at Home

32. Short Tasks

A short task is a job or assignment that can be completed quickly. Examples include writing a review, taking a survey, or watching a video. They may not pay much, but it’s a fast and easy way to make money from home. Here’s a list of short task sites you can check out if interested.

33. Social Media Manager

There are a lot of organizations who need someone to manage their social media accounts, and some may even want you to completely develop a social media strategy for them.

34. Stylist

If you love fashion and want to work from home, then you can become an online stylist. Some reportedly make up to $15 an hour. 

35. Survey Taker

This won’t make you a millionaire, but you can be paid between $1 and $50 each time you take an opinion poll, answer questions about your shopping habits or review a product. You’re usually paid by check, PayPal or points that can later be redeemed for gift cards.

36. Tax Preparer

Even though this is a seasonal gig, you can make a salary of over $30,000. Don’t forget to register with the IRS before you start this home-based business.

37. Become an Expert

Nowadays, people are going online to find experts at things they themselves may be struglging with. A growing trend is hiring an expert versus hiring a large company to come in and help fix problems. One resource is Catalant, which hires out experts from $15 an hour to $280 an hour. That's one option if you're looking to help others with your knowledge.

Related: How This Mom Grew Multiple 6-Figure Businesses From Home

38. Telephone Nurse

If you’re a registered nurse, then you could work for health insurers or health management companies like Humana, Aetna and UnitedHealth Group. They hire nurses remotely to handle case management, treatment authorization and patient education.

39. Transcriber/Transcriptionist

This job essentially means listening to audio files, such as lectures or doctors' medical dictations, and then typing out what you hear. It’s an entry-level gig that can pay up to $25 an hour.

40. Translator

Are you fluent in another language? Start earning a living off of this skill by translating documents or becoming an interpreter.

41. Travel Agent

Despite the fact that there are numerous travel sites that make planning a trip a breeze, it can still be time-consuming. What’s more, there may be certain travel conditions that you are not aware of. That’s why there’s still a market for travel agents to scour the web for the best deals, share advice or plan itineraries.

42. Virtual Assistant

If you’re organized and can handle office duties like replying to emails, calendar management, entering data and assisting with social media, then this job is perfect for you. And you can make between $10 and $15 per hour.

Related: 4 Reasons Not to Be a Stiff About Employees Working From Home

43. Virtual Public Relations Representative

Some small- to medium-sized businesses don’t have the budget for a dedicated chief marketing officer, a vice president of marketing or even a public relations firm. But they may have the funds to hire a virtual public relations representative to take care of duties like promoting a business or managing a crisis.

44. Virtual Recruiter

This is pretty much the same position as an in-house recruiter except you get to work wherever you want. The other major difference is that you search the web to find the right employee for the right position. You’re also responsible for screening the applicant and being a part of the interviewing and negotiation process. Some recruiters are paid upward of $125 an hour for building resume templates.

45. Virtual Tutor

If you have extensive knowledge in a specific area, then you could earn between $12 to $35 per hour by tutoring students either over the phone or on Skype.

46. Voice Acting

If you have a golden voice, you can make somewhere between $56 and $72 per hour.

47. Web Developer

Depending on the specific job, as well as your expertise, you could bring in between $55,000 and $175,000 per year building websites from scratch.

Related: The Legal Implications of Expecting Employees to Work After Hours

48. Web Search Evaluator

In order to deliver the most accurate service to customers, search engines pay individuals to analyze search results. You don’t need to have much experience, and you can haul in $12 to $15 an hour.

49. Website Tester

Businesses want to make sure that their websites are intuitive and easy to navigate. As such, they’ll assign instructions for people to follow to check out their site. Each test usually takes around 15 to 20 minutes. In return, you’ll often be paid $10 to $15 per test.

50. Writing Gigs

Businesses of all sizes need written content, like blog posts, website copy or eBooks. As a result, there are thousands of writing gigs available that pay anywhere between $10 to $100 per hour.

Kamis, 02 April 2020

Coronavirus to Humanity

Coronavirus Letter To Humanity

The earth whispered but you did not hear. 
The earth spoke but you did not listen
The earth screamed but you turned her off. 

And so I was born...

I was not born to punish you.. 
I was born to awaken you..

The earth cried out for help...

Massive flooding. But you didn't listen. 
Burning fires. But you didn't listen. 
Strong hurricanes. But you didn't listen. 
Terrifying Tornadoes. But you didn't listen. 

You still don't listen to the earth when. 
Ocean animals are dying due to pollutants in the waters. 
Glaciers melting at an alarming rate. 
Severe drought. 

You didn't listen to how much negativity the earth is receiving.

Non-stop wars. 
Non-stop greed. 

You just kept going on with your life..
No matter how much hate there was.. 
No matter how many killings daily.. 
It was more important to get that latest iPhone than worry about what the earth was trying to tell you..

But now I am here.  

And I've made the world stop on its tracks. 
I've made YOU finally listen. 
I've made you take refuge. 
I've made you stop thinking about materialistic things.. 

Now you are like the earth... 
You are only worried about YOUR survival. 

How does that feel?  

I give you fever.. as the fires burn on earth. 
I give you respiratory issues.. as pollution fill the earth air. 
I give you weakness as the earth weakens every day.  

I took away your comforts.. 
Your outings.  
The things you would use to forget about the planet and its pain.  

And I made the world stop... 

And now... 
China has better air quality.. Skys are clear blue because factories are not spewing pollution unto the earth's air. 
The water in Venice is clean and dolphins are being seen.  Because the gondola boats that pollute the water are not being used.  

YOU are having to take time to reflect on what is important in your life.  

Again I am not here to punish you.. I am here to Awaken you... 

When all this is over and I am gone... Please remember these moments.. 

Listen to the earth. 
Listen to your soul. 
Stop Polluting the earth. 
Stop Fighting among each other. 
Stop caring about materialistic things. 
And start loving your neighbors. 
Start caring about the earth and all its creatures.  
Start believing in a Creator. 

Because next time I may come back even stronger....
