Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

What CEOs Say To Do in Your 20s

Here’s What Rich CEOs Say to Do In Your 20s
Sarah Kimmorley / Business Insider @businessinsider
July 29, 2015 SHARE
Make sure you travel

Turning 30 can be a turning point in a person’s life, and career. It’s the point where career goals start setting in and the hunger to land a spot in the corner office increases.

So we asked some CEOs what they would want their employees to have done before they turn the big 3-0. From saving-money to travelling the world, starting your own business and taking risks, here’s some advice from CEOs who have done it all before.

Aaron Smith, CEO and founder of KX Group

The first thing I would say is to travel the world. There is nothing more eye-opening than travelling the globe to broaden your thinking and excel your communication skills with other people and cultures. Worldly experience is priceless. It’s also about becoming more relatable to people which will only reflect positivity back in the real world. By 25 I had travelled to over 40 countries and had lived overseas for 5 years. It was amazing.

Be selfish, risk everything and live life on the edge. Before you are 30 you have no real responsibilities and possibly no mortgage/family that you need to support. Be daring and risk it all for huge success. You’re young, motivated and have plenty of time to regroup if you fail so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The older you get the more excuses you will find and the more you will regret not having a crack. I lost my life savings on my first business at 18 and succeeded on my second at 26. Fail forward.

Taichi Hoshino, CEO of Monetise

Build good habits. Whether it’s time management, work ethic, setting work/life boundaries, exercising, eating well or being disciplined with your personal finances, habits are your baseline. When unexpected moments interfere in your life, it is long established habits that are your saviour. Form them young and they’ll be with you for life.

Jo Burston, founder and CEO of Inspiring Rare Birds

Learn how to manage up as well as down. Most people I meet in their 20s are busy fulfilling the notion of managing less skilled colleagues, when the real skill is managing up to more skilled and experienced people. The art of conversation and public speaking will take you everywhere in life.

Find your passion and then aim to be the best on the planet at what you do by having a ferocious hunger for learning. Both formally and through experience.

Find a mentor that has walked the pathway you wish to walk. Then be totally reliable, honest and respectful with your time with them. They learn from you too!

Save money every pay. Learn how to budget and get out of home and stand on your own independent feet. Nobody owes you anything. Lose the sense of entitlement. It’s not yours to take.

Start and run a business. No matter how small. If you can learn these skills early, you will learn how to fail with low risk or repercussion. Basic accounting and business skill will support and future endeavours.

Finally, travel and get out of your bubble and get uncomfortable. It will help with acceptance, tolerance, and patience, and show you how incredible our world really is.

Dean Ramler, CEO and co-founder of Milan Direct

Learn the art of going above and beyond and doing more than what you are currently expected to or paid to do. The typical employee does the old 5 o’clock shuffle because that is when the typical work day ends. Everyone has the right to do this. Yet there are a select few high achievers who understand the value of going above and beyond their current pay grade and always look to provide the most service to the company, often staying back as late as I do.

As a CEO you come to rely on the select few who really go above and beyond, it becomes a habit to call on these high achievers to assist in core tasks when everyone else has left for the day. It is no surprise that these same people end up becoming the senior managers of the company, and are the most compensated with promotions and pay rises.

Philip Weinman, CEO of Locomote

Start your own business while you still live at home. It’s a good time to experiment with a business idea, while you don’t have any real expenses. Find a mentor or someone you that you trust to give you advice – outside of family – who has no financial agenda.

You will learn from your mistakes during this time, and if you decide that you want to move into a corporate environment, you’ll already know what works and what doesn’t. Along with business experience, you’ll learn to make and stand by your decisions – a trait that is highly regarded by Locomote.

Christian Mischler, COO, CMO and co-founder of Hotel Quickly

Travel the world! Explore new regions and cultures, it creates independence and gives you experience that will have lastingly positive effect on the rest of your life.

John Winning, CEO and founder of The Winning Group

Get as much experience as you can – it’s important to have a good mix of valuable life and work experience. Whether it’s a part time job and/or work experience at school, try to immerse yourself in different industries and roles within a business. I drove trucks, worked in a warehouse, did door-to-door and in-store sales.

Be sure to gain a further education that interests you. It doesn’t have to be university, even if it’s just reading books it’s great to have an interest in learning, and curiosity is an amazing motivator. I never attended university after school however the years that followed shaped how I approach my work and how my business operates. From practical work experience within the retail industry, to personal achievements such as competing in many sailing championships and eventually winning a world title, every experience has enriched my thinking and ability to tackle obstacles and grapple opportunities in business.

Zach Johnson, CEO of atmail.com

Having worn a mohawk in a variety of colours, scuba dived, completed a tour of duty with the U.S. Army and lived in Germany, among many other crazy things, the one sage piece of advise Johnson has is: ‘Live as much as you can and embrace all experiences as they come—fully and completely.’

Charlie Wood, country manager for Dropbox

I’d recommend people should get a few years experience at an established multi-national during their early 20s. The experience people will gain at these companies will set them up nicely for future endeavours. Those who are entrepreneurial in nature, should follow their dreams and bring their ideas to life by starting something on their own or with a team. One of the most important things someone should do before they reach 30 is to travel, they will meet new people and will create new adventures! These experiences will broaden the mindset of any individual to help set them up for their 30s.

Bevan Nel, MD of Helping

Be disciplined in your management of money, keep a budget…and stick to it!

Secondly, if you’re going to take a business risk, do it before you’re married with kids and mortgage. You’ll be more scared and less gutsy once you have a family and advancing and progression is important early on in your career. Lastly, it’s important to keep in touch with past business associates.

Keep business cards, make a spreadsheet, do whatever it is to keep your contact list ongoing and up to date. Networking is key and you never know when you might need to reach out to someone.

From a non business perspective…travel. travel. travel! That’s what I always tell anyone who is young. Travelling is great for developing confidence, meet business contacts and also a great way to refresh and restart your body and mind.

Kevin Lynch, Chief Marketing Officer at Open Colleges

#1: Learn from your team: As we progress through our careers in our 20s, we need to learn not just from those above us, but also from our broader team. This can ensure that you build a strong foundation by your 30s.

I learn most from my team, the people who surround me. These are the people who make the magic happen, they are far smarter than I am. Our people are what makes us. We aim to ensure that we continue to build on the terrific culture here and ensure it is a great place to work for our staff where people believe in the company’s mission of changing lives through education.

Levi Aron, GM of Yumtable

Seize the moment, set personal goals early in the game, keep them in check and strive to achieve or surpass those goals. Always remember to reward yourself as you reach each milestone. It’s great for personal recognition. Work hard to push boundaries but don’t forget to smell the roses every now and then. Remember, no goals = no drive = mediocre life, and who rates that?

Nicholas Smedley, MD of Steller

As we are in the real estate game I think it is important that our employees understand the market. There is no better way than getting into the property market yourself.

My advice would be to start saving as early as you can – whether that is through shares or a varied investment portfolio. There is nothing better than compound interest. This gets you into the frame of mind of saving and buying your first property before 30 would be a great start.


Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

Success Story Prijono Sugiarto , CEO Astra International

Success Story Presiden Direktur PT Astra International Tbk Prijono Sugiarto
Presdir Astra International: Saya Bukan Superman


Kehidupan ini sangat indah. Tak semua perjalanan hidup manusia berjalan dengan mulus. Tentu banyak rintangan dan hambatan dalam meraihnya. Kuncinya adalah kesabaran, keteguhan hati, memiliki prinsip yang kuat, jujur, apa adanya, dan selalu melakukan inovasi. Di balik kesuksesan seseorang, ada kisah-kisah mengharukan dan menyedihkan. Semua itu adalah proses yang harus dilalui. Kompas.com meneruskan serial artikel "Success Story" tentang perjalanan tokoh yang inspiratif. Semoga pembaca bisa memetik makna di balik kisah ini.

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Rapat umum pemegang saham luar biasa (RUPSLB) PT Astra International Tbk di Hotel Four Seasons, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (1/3/2010), akhirnya memutuskan Prijono Sugiarto meneruskan jabatannya sebagai puncak pimpinan perusahaan. Keputusan ini ditopang oleh 80 persen pemegang saham perusahaan dan jabatan Presiden Direktur Grup Astra masih diemban Prijono sampai sekarang ini.

Alumnus Diploma Ing di Universitas Mechanical Engineering, Konstanz, Jerman, ini bertekad membawa Grup Astra terus berjaya. “Saya tidak mau berfilosofi. Saya berharap Astra bisa memberikan nilai tambah yang banyak di setiap area di mana kita ada. Community development, bisa menciptakan pekerjaan baru, jadi institusi percontohan, menjadi kebanggaan bangsa ini. Ini cita-cita mulia,” ucap Prijono ketika berbincang dengan KompasOtomotif, akhir Mei 2015 lalu.

Sampai saat ini, Prijono sudah menjabat sebagai Presiden Direktur Grup Astra selama lima tahun. Di bawah komandonya, Pak Pri, begitu ia akrab disapa, harus menentukan nasib kebijakan total 191 anak perusahaan yang bernaung di bawah Grup Astra. Lewat intuisi tajam serta disiplin yang kuat, Prijono berkomitmen menjadi pemimpin yang baik.

"Di Astra sudah ada sistem, selama kita patuh dan punya disiplin yang kuat, pasti kita bisa. Kita juga dibantu oleh delapan direksi, mereka yang punya portofolio terbaik, tentu kita jadi kuat. Saya bukan Superman yang berkerja sendirian," ucap Prijono.

Melalui sistem baku yang sudah tercipta di Grup Astra, ratusan anak perusahaan yang bernaung di bawahnya jadi tetap terpantau. Dalam menentukan pilihan atau keputusan, Prijono juga selalu berpegang teguh pada prioritas, mendahulukan mana yang lebih penting. Ketika melakukan rapat direksi, pembahasan langsung pada pokok permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi perusahaan, tidak bertele-tele dan menentukan upaya yang paling tepat sebagai kebijakan perusahaan.

"Kita bahas langsung, apa masalahnya, kalau meleset dari target apa penyebabnya, jangan menyalahkan. Problem utamanya, sanksi tadi yang dibantu direktur-direktur yang belum paham, Saya sebagai pimpinan memberi pengarahan," ucap Prijono.

Terus berkembang

Salah satu keinginan Prijono sebagai pucuk pimpinan Grup Astra adalah untuk bisa mengembangkan bisnis perusahaan selaras dengan kemajuan pembangunan Indonesia. Buktinya, sejak pertama kali Pri didapuk sebagai Presiden Direktur Astra lima tahun silam, total anak perusahaan di bahan naungan holding, tercatat 140. Sekarang, total perusahaan sudah mencapai 191, karena Astra terus mengembangkan usahanya.

"Dua tahun lalu, kita membeli jalan tol Kertosono-Mojokerto, kita juga membeli Pelabuhan Penajam Banua Taka di Kalimantan Timur, kami juga mulai merambah asuransi jiwa, menyelesaikan pabrik Honda (sepeda motor) yang keempat, ekspansi Daihatsu ke Karawang, dan pembangunan pabrik baru TMMIN (PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia) untuk perakitan mesin," papar Prijono.

Selain melakukan review pekerjaan bulanan masing-masing anak perusahaan, Grup Astra juga memiliki divisi khusus untuk pengembangan usaha. Selain merambah sektor bisnis baru yang potensial, salah satu fokus utama perusahaan adalah menjaga tongkat estafet kepemimpinan tetap terjaga, lewat kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) terbaik.

"Generation gap"

Meski masih bertahan sebagai salah satu perusahaan terbesar di Indonesia, perjalanan Grup Astra juga bukan tanpa kendala. Pada 1998, Grup Astra sempat nyaris bangkrut, dengan beban hutang 12 kali lebih besar dari ekuitas perusahaan. Sepanjang 1998 sampai 2004, perusahaan terus berusaha untuk keluar dari belenggu hutang, sampai akhirnya berhasil.

Tapi, menghadapi kondisi sulit ini, membuat Grup Astra minim merekrut tenaga kerja baru selama enam tahun. Akibatnya, tercipta jurang pemisah, antara generasi saat ini dengan SDM baru yang coba disiapkan untuk memimpin di masa depan.

Berbagai pengalaman berbagai bidang usaha yang pernah dipimpin Prijono selama menjadi direksi perusahaan berbuah hasil. Mulai dari otomotif, perkebunan, pertambangan, alat berat, sampai keuangan membuat Prijono matang dari segi pengalaman.

"Semua pengalaman ini merupakan job enrichment sendiri bagi saya. Ini juga yang saya lakukan pada tim di Astra, supaya generasi muda yang beruisa 30-40 tahun agar lebih siap nantinya, menghadapi tantangan ke depan. Tadinya orang jasa keuangan kita masukkan ke otomotif, sebaliknya orang otomotif dimasukkan ke jasa keuangan. Dari alat berat kita pindah ke kebun, kita juga punya asuransi, diputar, agar kompetensinya bertambah," ucap Prijono.

Karakter Presdir Astra

Bisa dibilang "copy-paste", namun dari beberapa sosok pucuk pimpinan perusahaan sebelumnya, karakter Presiden Direktur Grup Astra, relatif punya sifat sama di mata publik. Budaya perilaku dan santun sangat dijaga oleh Astra sebagai nilai kehidupan yang penting, terutama bagi pemimpin perusahaan. Budaya korporasi ini dianggap merupakan warisan dari William Soerjadjaja, sang pendiri perusahaan. Karakter ini juga kerap menguasai 50 persen dari karakter setiap pimpinan Grup Astra.

"Saya pernah diundang oleh pak Hermawan Kertajaya dalam suatu pertemuan, di sana ia menyampaikan kalau, 'ini teman saya CEO Astra yang seperti ini saja orangnya, biasa saja. Pakai kemeja putih biasa.' Kemudian saya tanya ke beliau, memang dari dulu CEO Astra tidak ada yang seperti ini pak? Kan kurang lebihnya sama," kata Prijono, bercerita.

Menurut Prijono, pemimpin yang baik itu adalah yang sederhana. Mau mendengarkan orang lain, tidak segan bertanya kepada bawahan yang memang lebih mengerti di bidang tersebut. Lewat bertanya, terjalin komunikasi, bukan lantas membuat pimpinan jadi terlihat tidak becus. Tapi, justru bisa membesarkan hati bawahannya yang dianggap lebih mengerti.

"Pak Michael (D Ruslim-Almarhum, mantan Presdir Astra sebelumnya) pernah bercerita, kalau mencari pemimpin itu mudah, tinggal pilih saja profesor terpintar di negeri ini, kemudian suruh jadi pimpinan. Yang ada justru dia langsung mengajarkan semua orang, boro-boro mau mendengarkan," ucap Prijono, mengenang.

Selama menjadi presiden direktur, salah satu tugas berat yang harus diemban Prijono adalah tuntutan memiliki sensitivitas tinggi pada pergerakan bisnis. Pada kondisi sama, seorang presdir juga wajib mengetahui karakter masing-masing anak buahnya dan bisa memilih sosok yang ideal di divisi yang tepat.

"Tugas CEO yang tidak mudah, harus punya indra keenam. Saya harus tahu, siapa yang bagus mau ditaruh di mana. Misalnya Astra Otoparts, perlunya orang yang seperti apa, harus bisa menentukan sosok yang tepat. Memang warna orang berbeda-beda, tetapi paling penting bisa 'lead by vision', kemudian dapat diartikulasikan supaya bisa dilaksanakan, kemudian dimonitor," ucap Prijono.

Selama lima tahun kepemimpinannya, kinerja Prijono sebagai presiden direktur Grup Astra juga bukan tanpa prestasi. Pria kelahiran 20 Juni 1960 ini sudah menyabet predikat sebagai CEO Terbaik di Asia, dari Finance Asia pada 2011 dan 2013. Hebatnya lagi, gelar "Asia Business Leader of The Year 2014" juga berhasil disandang Prijono, sebuah penghargaan dari CNBC.

Prijono juga merupakan orang Indonesia pertama yang pernah meraih gelar terakhir itu. "Menjadi CEO terbaik se-Asia nggak ada resepnya. Saya hanya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dan tanggung jawab, saya lakukan yang terbaik. Saya tidak pernah mengejar itu dan memang bukan tujuan utama saya," kata Prijono.

Keinginan utama Prijono, adalah bisa menjadikan Astra sebagai perusahaan yang bisa menciptakan nilai tambah lebih baik bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Agar Astra bisa terus membuka pekerjaan baru. Menjadi kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia.

Penulis: Agung Kurniawan
Editor: Aris F Harvenda


"Semua Saya Lakukan, Mengalir Saja...”
Cita-cita "Tukang Insinyur" yang Berujung Jadi CEO Astra

Kehidupan ini sangat indah. Tak semua perjalanan hidup manusia berjalan dengan mulus. Tentu banyak rintangan dan hambatan dalam meraihnya. Kuncinya adalah kesabaran, keteguhan hati, memiliki prinsip yang kuat, jujur, apa adanya, dan selalu melakukan inovasi. Di balik kesuksesan seseorang, ada kisah-kisah mengharukan dan menyedihkan. Semua itu adalah proses yang harus dilalui. Kompas.com meneruskan serial artikel "Success Story" tentang perjalanan tokoh yang inspiratif. Semoga pembaca bisa memetik makna di balik kisah ini.

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Menjadi pucuk pimpinan suatu perusahaan multinasional tentu bukan hal yang mudah dilakukan. Determenasi, fokus, serta disiplin tinggi mutlak dipenuhi demi menjaga stabilitas manajerial perusahaan.

Adalah Prijono Sugiarto, Presiden Direktur PT Astra International Tbk yang berhasil membuktikan kualitas dirinya sebagai nahkoda perusahaan. Memimpin 227.000 orang karyawan dari 191 anak perusahaan tentu bukan hal yang mudah dilakukan. Tapi, pria kelahiran Jakarta, 20 Juni 1960 ini berhasil membuktikannya lewat prestasi.

Pertemuan KompasOtomotif dengan Pak Pri, begitu ia akrab disapa berlangsung di salah satu hotel bintang lima di bilangan Jakarta Selatan, belum lama ini. Kala itu, Prijono baru saja menyelesaikan pertemuan tahunan dan baru terpilih menjadi Chairman Kamar Dagang Jerman di Indonesia atau German Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID).

"Setelah enam tahun Pak Ari Sumarno memimpin, saya diminta untuk menggantikannya dan baru saja terpilih," ujar Prijono membuka awal perbincangan.


Kedekatan Prijono dengan Jerman sulit dipisahkan, karena di Jerman ayah dua anak ini menempa ilmu. Keinginannya dalam hidup terbilang sederhana dan mulia, menjadi sarjana teknik mesin lulusan Jerman. Jerman dipilih karena memang dikenal sebagai pusat industri dunia, sehingga insinyur merupakan bidang yang cukup populer dari sana.

Keinginan ini berlatar belakang  dari usaha sang ayah, yang mengelola perusahaan perakitan kendaraan di Jakarta, era 1960-an. Jadi, dunia permesinan dan otomotif sudah dikenalnya sejak beranjak dewasa.

"Dulu belum ada yang namanya ATPM (agen tunggal pemegang merek). Ayah saya membeli Honda N360 dan merakitnya di Indonesia, selain itu skuter Lambretta juga sempat diproduksi ayah saya," cerita Prijono.

Sang kakak, Jongkie Sugiarto yang terpaut 11 tahun dengan Prijono sudah lebih dulu kuliah dengan jurusan teknik mesin di Jerman. "Prijono kecil usia 10 tahun atau 12 tahun sudah melihat kakak. Akhirnya, selepas SMA saya berangkat ke Jerman untuk kuliah teknik mesin. Saya selalu hormat pada beliau, dia itu guru saya," ucap Prijono.

Butuh waktu lima tahun (1979 – 1984) bagi Prijono menyelesaikan gelar Diploma Ing di Universitas Mechanical Engineering, Konstanz, Jerman. Prijono bahkan mendapat penghargaan berupa "Awarded Carl-Duisberg Prize 1984" karena prestasinya yang baik selama menempuh pendidikan. Setahun sebelum wisuda, Prijono menyurati sang ayah di Jakarta perihal rencana kelulusannya.

"Saya lantas mendapat jawaban dari ayah, mengapa tidak meneruskan sekolah di bisnis. Akhirnya, setelah lulus jadi insinyur mesin, saya lanjutkan sekolah di bidang bisnis, masih di Jerman," ujar Prijono. Pri melanjutkan sekolahnya di Universitas ASc Bochum, Jerman dan setelah dua tahun (1984-1986) menyabet gelar master Diploma Wirtschaftsing dalam bidang Business Administration.


Setahun setelah kelulusannya sekolah bisnis, Prijono kembali ke Jakarta untuk bekerja di Tanah Air. Sebelum kembali ke Indonesia, Prijono sengaja kembali memperkuat pengetahuannya soal teknik di Jerman. Hal ini dilakukan karena dirinya sudah diterima sebagai Manajer Sales and Engineering di PT Daimler-Benz Indonesia mulai 1987.

"Untung saya punya background, jadi tidak bisa dibohongi, saya pernah bongkar kopling sendiri, tahu bagaimana mobil tune-up, semua ada catatannya. Jadi lebih kuat pengetahuan teknisnya," ujar Prijono.

Selama tiga tahun berkarir, akhirnya pada 1990 Prijono mendapat tawaran pindah bekerja di salah satu anak perusahaan Grup Astra, PT Tjahja Sakti Motor yang menaungi merek mobil asal Jerman, BMW. Setelah tiga tahun berkarir dan memegang jabatan General Manager, Prijono lantas mendapat promosi, menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasional mulai 1990.

"Jadi saya menyebrang merek, tapi tidak ada yang bisa complaint karena dua-duanya (Mercedes-Benz dan BMW) merupakan almamater saya," ucap Prijono sambil berkelakar.

Di bawah kepemimpinannya, BMW yang kala itu masih di bawah kendali Grup Astra berhasil menjadikan merek premium ini terlaris di Indonesia. Pada 1997, kenang Prijono, BMW pernah mencapai pangsa pasar terbesar, mencapai 10 persen terhadap total pasar mobil penumpang di Indonesia.

"Kami sempat dihadiahi sebagai pangsa pasar dan penjualan terbesar. Setelah itu, 1998 masuk masa krisis, saya diminta pak TP Rachmat (Theodore Permadi Rachmat) untuk menjadi direksi Grup Astra. Posisinya berat juga, mengepalai beberapa perusahaan sekaligus, non-Toyota, ada Daihatsu, BMW, Isuzu, Fuji Technica, Gaya Motor, Inti Pantja Press Industri, mulai tahun 2000," beber Prijono.

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Presdir Astra International: Saya Bukan Superman
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Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Pidato Joko Widodo in Singapore July 28th 2015

Pidato Presiden Joko Widodo Pada Dialog Bisnis Indonesia – Singapura, di Hotel Shangril La, Singapura, 28 Juli 2015

Excelencies minister, the CEOs, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Thank you for attending our forum and I am honoured to be here and I really would like to sharing my updates and to hearing from you.

As you may know, two of my children went to school in Singapore. My family and I like Singapore, we respect Singapore, we admire Singapore.

Ladies and gentlemen, in recent weeks I have thought about the world of social media transition, the boom of commodities has come to an end, the boom of emerging market has come to an end. But, the social media resolution has begun, the smartphone revolution has begun. Around the world, around the regions and yes also in Indonesia, one economic cycle has come to an end, and a new economic cycle is beginning. We have to make over all our economies, we have to reinvent our societies.

Four months ago, we lost a great man, Singapore legend, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, to honour him let us work together work in the benning of a new era. This year Singapore celebrates its 50th anniversary as a nation. We have seen what the last 50 years can bring. What will the next fifty years be?

Let me begin by updating you on what we are doing in Indonesia right now. We are investing in our education, we are investing in our health care, we are building our infrastructure. People tell me, Mr. Jokowi we have hears all these before and the asked what is different time? The different this time is we are actually doing it.

Since December of last year, we have distributed 21,4 million Indonesia Smart Card for students. During this time, we have also distributed 86,4 million Indonesia Health Card for people. Early this year, we have launched a major expansion of the port of Kuala Tanjung in North Sumatera, together with an integrated industrial zone. We have launched another port expansion in Makassar-Sulawesi, the major expansion of Jakarta Port, Tanjung Priok is well advanced. Soon this September we will launch another port expansion at Port of Sorong in West Papua Province. We have launched the construction of the Trans Sumatera High Way since late last year. We have tackled the powerplan of Batam and Central Java, a project that has started for four years. A project billion US dollar of the Batang power station is designed to be the largest qualified power station in Southeast Asia when it is finished.

I have just returned two days ago from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province to inspect the progress of Raknamo Dam. To be honest, even I was surprised on the progress. We have the groundbreaking of Raknamo Dam on December 2014. Today only seven months, the progress is already 60 percents.

Let me tell you again, this time we are actually doing it. The world is very different today, the mood in Indonesia is very different.

Ladies and gentleman,
about three weeks ago I did speech, an economic policy speech. I mentioned several importang things, I told the audience things get harder before they get better. I told the audience to face fundamental economic changes, I told the audience that…
I told then that we can no longer delay fundamental reforma to our economy and finally I told them there will be more pain. Since I delivered that speech I had received the following feedback; appreciation from business leader, praise from the people, and a lot of complaints from the economist. But i am happy, I told them all that painfull, the bitter truth, and the only ones complaining are the economist. I believe the Indonesian people are very wise, they understand there is no gain without pain, there is no sustainable prosperity withour hardwork, there is no progress without sacrifice.

Distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen, what will Indonesia look like? Indonesians will have 12 years of formal schooling, three years longer than today. There will be a lot of more Indonesian nurses, Indonesian engineers, Indonesian workers, Indonesian ship crews, Indonesian bankers, Indonesian insurance salesman. Everyone will have a smartphone, imagine that means 200 million smartphones. Everyone will be connected at the network that will be very good all around the country.

There is statistic here, our economy will double in size it may take only  ten years, it may take fifteen years, difficult to predict but i absolutely make sure it will double. Indonesia Singapore will become even stronger, if we also working together in the region where the most profound changes economicly and strategicly are taking place. We need to work together to ensure peace and stability in east asia which is a precondition of economic prosperity. We need to prevent the return of power politic to our region, we need to strengthen regional multilateral institution such as the East Asia Summit as the main platform for cooperation, tensions in the South Chinese Sea needs to be defused through peaceful means. We need to work closely to ensure good other at sea.

A peaceful and stable east Asia can only be guaranteed if there is a strong Asia. That is why Indonesia stresses the great important to Asia and Asia Economic Community. We need to preserve and strengthen Asean centrality. Asean centrality can only be upheld if we work to improve its credibility, enhanvevita capacity, and strengthen the unity among its members . We have to make sure that Asean brings benefit to its people, I repeat to all its people.

Now, I would share with you a bit of history. In 1997-1998, the Asean financial crisis struck a terrible economic and political crisis in Indonesia. The situation is credibly difficult and the output was full of uncertainty and risks. Yet many brave investors from Singapore, from Malaysia invested into Indonesia at that time. Yes, also investors from Indonesia. I can tell you today 10-12 years later those investors have made really used profit on those investment.

Ladies and gentlemen,
today we are once again confronting challenging times in Indonesia. We have just had a major transfer of power, the world looks full of uncertainty and risks. What does it all mean? Let me tell you, it means that today is the time, again the best time to invest. We only have to look to history to prove that those who have courage, those who come early they will the ones who will get profit. Yes, it true. We still have a lot of work to do in Indonesia, We still have a lot of work to do in Indonesia. The regulatory, environment, it must be business friendly, the permitting and lisencing we must simplified, the corruption we must fight, the beurocracy we must continue reforming. But as a businessman we know there is risk when we seek for reward.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
don’t wait until it’s all done. Again, don’t wait until it’s all done. Invest early,

Thank you very much.

(Humas Setkab)

Copyright © Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia

All rights reserved.


Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Notes from Warren Buffet for Our Kids

✨:: " Nasehat Warren Buffett, Salah Satu Orang Terkaya di Dunia : ✨

Berikut ini adalah wawancara yang pernah Warren Bufferr lakukan dengan CNBC. Dalam wawancara tersebut ditemukan beberapa aspek menarik dari hidupnya :

“Anjurkan anak anda untuk berinvestasi”
Ia membeli saham pertamanya pada umur 11 tahun dan sekarang ia menyesal karena tidak memulainya dari masih muda.

“Dorong Anak Anda untuk mulai belajar berbisnis”
Ia membeli sebuah kebun yang kecil pada umur 14 tahun dengan uang tabungan yang didapatinya dari hasil mengirimkan surat kabar.

“Ia masih hidup di sebuah rumah dengan 3 kamar berukuran kecil di pusat kota Ohama, yang ia beli setelah ia menikah 50 tahun yang lalu”

“Jangan membeli apa yang tidak dibutuhkan, dan dorong Anak Anda untuk berbuat yang sama”
Ia berkata bahwa ia mempunyai segala yang ia butuhkan dalam rumah itu. Meskipun rumah itu tidak ada pagarnya.

“Jadilah apa adanya”
Ia selalu mengemudikan mobilnya seorang diri jika hendak bepergian dan ia tidak mempunyai seorang supir ataupun keamanan pribadi.

Ia tidak pernah bepergian dengan pesawat jet pribadi, walaupun ia memiliki perusahaan pembuat pesawat jet terbesar di dunia. Berkshire Hathaway, perusahaan miliknya, memiliki 63 anak perusahaan.

“Ia hanya menuliskan satu pucuk surat setiap tahunnya kepada para CEO dalam perusahaannya, menyampaikan target yang harus diraih untuk tahun itu”

“Tugaskan pekerjaan kepada orang yang tepat”
Ia tidak pernah mengadakan rapat atau menelpon mereka secara reguler.

“Buat Tujuan yang jelas dan yakinkan mereke untuk fokus ke tujuan”
Ia hanya memberikan 2 peraturan kepada para CEOnya. Peraturan nomor satu adalah : Jangan pernah sekalipun menghabiskan uang para pemilik saham. Peraturan nomor dua : Jangan melupakan peraturan nomor satu.

“Jangan Pamer, Jadilah diri sendiri & nikmati apa yang kamu lakukan”

Ia tidak banyak bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat kalangan kelas atas. Waktu luangnya di rumah ia habiskan dengan menonton televisi sambil makan pop corn.

Bill Gates, orang terkaya di dunia bertemu dengannya untuk pertama kalinya 5 tahun yang lalu. Bill Gates pikir ia tidak memiliki keperluan yang sangat penting dengan Warren Buffet, maka ia mengatur pertemuan itu hanya selama 30 menit.

Tetapi ketika ia bertemu dengannya, pertemuan itu berlangsung selama 10 jam dan Bill Gates tertarik untuk belajar banyak dari Warren Buffet. Warren Buffet tidak pernah membawa handphone dan di meja kerjanya tidak ada komputer.

Berikut ini adalah nasihatnya untuk orang-orang yang masih muda:

"Jauhkan dirimu dari pinjaman bank, hutang, cicilan atau kartu kredit dan berinvestasilah dengan apa yang kau miliki , serta ingat" :

1. Uang tidak menciptakan manusia, manusialah yang menciptakan uang.

2. Hiduplah sederhana sebagaimana dirimu sendiri.

3. Jangan melakukan apapun yang dikatakan orang, dengarkan mereka, tapi lakukan apa yang baik saja.

4. Jangan memakai merk, pakailah yang benar, nyaman untukmu.

5. Jangan habiskan uang untuk hal-hal yang tidak benar-benar penting.

6. With money:
You can buy a house, but not a home.
You can buy a clock, but not time.
You can buy a bed, but not sleep.
You can buy a book, but not knowledge.
You can get a position, but not respect.
You can buy blood, but not life.

7. Jika itu telah berhasil dalam hidupmu, berbagilah dan ajarkanlah pada orang lain. "Orang yang Berbahagia Bukanlah Orang yang Hebat dalam segala Hal, Tapi Orang yang Bisa Menemukan Hal Sederhana dalam Hidupnya dan selalu Mengucap Syukur."

Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

What CEO must Think in Global Market

Jul 23, 2015

The wave of globalization that took place over the last two decades has come to an end. The big winners are those companies that have established a significant international footprintespecially in emerging markets—pulling ahead of companies with a regional or domestic focus. Over the last decade, Volkswagen, the German automaker, has increased its annual revenues by an average of 10.5 percent, whereas Peugeot, its French rival, has seen revenues grow by an average of only 2.5 percent. Likewise, Procter & Gamble, the U.S. consumer giant, has enjoyed average annual growth rates of 7.6 percent, twice the 3.1 percent average achieved by Clorox, one of its regionally focused U.S. competitors. And, in the oil-field services industry, two rivals have taken divergent paths, with the more global Schlumberger recording an average annual growth rate of 16 percent, compared with 8.6 percent for Halliburton.

But globalization is not dead. Rather, it is morphing into a more nuanced and more complex phase, with the inexorable forces that drove the previous phase still very much alive. The emerging markets will continue to be the key source of growth, owing to their favorable demographics, rising middle classes (which will increasingly define consumer demand and choices), and new generation of “challenger” companies (which will seek partners in their quest to become global market leaders). As we move into this next stage of globalization, the gaps between the global haves and the nonglobal have-nots are likely to widen even further, creating a real chasm.

So, if you want to be truly successful over the next ten years, the big question you should ask yourself isn’t “Should my company be global?” Instead, it should be “How can I go global in a successful and sustainable way?” And this question must be asked—and answered—by CEOs of companies not only in the U.S., Europe, Japan, and other developed markets. Because frankly, if you run a company based in China or India or Brazil (or any other emerging market) and you have global ambitions, the choices you face are no different from those facing CEOs in developed markets, as are the factors critical to your success. And now is the time to make those decisions, when there is new and energetic national leadership in key emerging markets such as China, India, and Indonesia, when growth is returning to the U.S., and when a new realism regarding global trade policies is emerging.

Source: World Economic Forum

Click this link  https://agenda.weforum.org/2015/05/5-things-every-ceo-must-do-in-the-next-era-of-globalisation/ for full article

Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Jack Ma Advise

BisnisPost.com -

Jack Ma (51 tahun) adalah seorang pengusaha sukses sekaligus filantropis asal China. Dia adalah pendiri selaigus pemimpin eksekutif Alibaba, sebuah grup perusahaan berbasis Internet. Jack Ma adalah orang China pertama yang berhasil menjadi cover majalah Forbes. Pada November 2014, ia dinobatkan sebagai orang terkaya nomor 1 di China dan orang terkaya ke-18 di dunia. Menurut Bloomberg Billionaires Index, kekayaannya mencapai 29.7 miliar dollar. Tentang menjadi pengusaha sukses, dalam sebuah talkshow di Korea, Jack Ma memberikan sejumlah nasihat untuk anak-anak muda:

(1) Sebelum berusia 20 tahun, jadilah murid yang baik. Jika Anda memang ingin menjadi pengusaha, belajarlah sedikit-sedikit. Jika Anda belajar berwirausaha, lakukanlah banyak kesalahan. Jangan khawatir, jika Anda gagal, bangkit lagi. Jika gagal lagi, bangkit lagi. Nikmatilah semuanya.

(2) Sebelum berusia 30 tahun, ikutilah seseorang. Bekerjalan di sebuah lembaga atau perusahaan. Biasaya, jika Anda bekerja di perusahaan yang besar, Anda akan belajar tentang proses—pahami bagaimana sebuah mesin besar bekerja dan Anda adalah bagian dari mesin itu. Jika Anda bekerja di sebuah perusahaan kecil, belajarlah tentang semangat dan cita-cita—bagaimana semua itu dibangun. Untuk menjaga dan mencapainya, Anda akan belajar bagaimana mengerjakan banyak hal dalam waktu bersamaan. Sebelum berusia 30 tahun, bukan tentang di perusahaan mana Anda bekerja, tetapi kepada siapa Anda belajar. “It is not which company you go, but which boss you follow. Because, a good boss teach you differently.”

(3) Di usia 30-40 tahun, bekerjalah untuk diri Anda sendiri, jika Anda memang benar-benar ingin menjadi seorang pengusaha (entrepreneur).

(4) Di usia 40-50 tahun, Anda harus fokus pada semua hal yang benar-benar Anda kuasai. Jangan coba-coba mencari minat atau pekerjaan baru, sebab bisa jadi Anda memang akan sukses tapi Anda hanya punya sedikit waktu.

(5) Saat usia Anda 50-60 tahun, bekerjalah untuk anak-anak muda, karena mereka bisa melakukan hal yang lebih baik daripada yang Anda bisa. Maka bergantunglah pada mereka, berinvestasilah pada anak-anak muda itu, pastikan mereka mengerjakan hal terbaik untuk Anda.

(6) Saat usia Anda di atas 60 tahun, habiskanlah waktu untuk diri Anda sendiri. Nikmati semuanya, bersenang-senanglah.

Dalam talkshow yang sama, seorang anak muda bertanya kepada Jack Ma tentang hal yang paling ia sesali dalam hidupnya, “Setelah semua sukses yang Anda dapatkan, apa yang paling Anda sesali?” Tanya anak muda itu.

“Tidak banyak yang saya sesali, kecuali soal waktu dan privasi. Saya menyesal karena saya bekerja terlalu keras sehingga saya hanya bisa menghabiskan sedikit waktu bersama keluarga saya.” -

See more at: http://bisnispost.com/executive-corner/inspirasi/2015/07/07/nasihat-jack-ma-untuk-anak-anak-muda#sthash.meY8pelv.dpuf

Senin, 06 Juli 2015

5 Mental Barriers to Greatness

The 5 Mental Barriers to Greatness Only You Can Remove

Leading Authority for Young Entrepreneurs
JUNE 24, 2015
There is nothing more inspiring than witnessing greatness, and watching those who have dedicated their entire life to a craft. Most haven’t thought about greatness, because they don’t think it’s possible.

In a time of insurmountable change, overwhelming complexity and relentless competition, going after greatness is a viable way to rise above the noise. Most people grow up fitting in, because that’s what is expected of them. You get reprimanded and disciplined if you speak up, act out or try to be "different" in school. Well, in entrepreneurship and business, being different is how you separate yourself from the herd. By that, I mean stand out versus fit in and differentiating yourself instead of  comparing  yourself to others.

Earl Nightingale was one of the first business philosophers of our time said something I’ll never forget:

“If you were setting out to accomplish something and you had no role models to emulate, you could get a good start by looking at what everybody else was doing - and not doing it.”

How do you know if you’re even built for greatness? And if you are, can you handle being the best? Here are the five reasons why, sadly, most entrepreneurs will never reach greatness:

1. They don’t love failure.
Through adversity comes greatness, and through failure comes a sharper perspective, but only if you analyze the experience. Success won’t happen unless you’re willing to sacrifice and suffer. How you respond to failure determines your success. A high tolerance for stress and failure is a skill successful people are highly paid for.

You must understand failure is a crucial part of growth, and is a good thing if approached with the right perspective. When you understand failure is a good thing, you take it on with courage and confidence. You become wiser and can make more educated decisions when you have a higher understanding about what you have failed in, whether it’s life or business. You must stay loyal to yourself through failure. Don’t be too tough on yourself during failure. You must always be building your confidence. Most start beating themselves up, but the select few leverage failure for even greater success.

2. They take way too many opinions.
We learn so much from what we hear, and those dedicated to greatness are very selective listeners. A lot of entrepreneurs are quick to take opinions from anybody giving them. Start listening to voices of value, and to those who have the experience, ideas, and reputation you’re striving to emulate. Listen to people you would trade places with, and listen to people who have already experienced the success you’re aiming for.

Become an observer of those who are winning and those who are losing. Take mental notes of the habits, attitudes, perspectives of the people achieving and living a good life. Learn all about your industry, your subject, and study what the top people do. A smart person learns from their mistakes, as all leaders do, but those who operate at a world-class level shorten their learning curve by learning from others people’s mistakes and not wasting time making the same ones. 

3. They can’t give up the need to be liked.
Do you care what people think about you? It shouldn’t matter if you stay true to yourself and live authentically. The reason most don’t take risks, live on the edge or push the envelope is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, the one of significance and fulfillment, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody. As Will Smith said, “Trying to get everybody to like you is the most common chosen road to mediocrity.”

The more you fear people, the less effective you will be. Somebody who worries about the opinions of others will live in fear and never take action. Those who are so confident in who they are, and what they believe in, will take massive action because the opinions of others don’t affect their mindset. Only when you give up the need to be liked can you live a life of success and significance. Stay fearless in everything you do, and remember, comparison is the root of all misery.

4. They aren’t obsessed.
Warren Buffet summed it up best: “Obsession is the DNA of greatness.” 

Obsession is the hallmark of genius. If you aren’t obsessed with what you do, greatness will remain a fantasy. Have a deep passion for your craft, because your passion will keep you going when you feel like giving up. Genius is not genetics. It's persistence in a specific craft, along with deep daily practice. Be a specialist, and whether it’s your business, your sport or a specific skill, stay obsessed. Don’t try to be great at 50 things. Be obsessed about the few things that can really move your life and business forward. Remember, “Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about.”

5. They hang around toxic people.
If you want to become legendary, study legends. A lot of people talk about greatness, but hang around mediocrity. The people around you should energize you, not deplete your energy. Make sure you’re around people who challenge you and hold you accountable instead of letting you off the hook. This is one of the greatest ways to increase your peace of mind, energy and motivation.

Say goodbye to the people who suck up your energy and don’t make you feel exceptional. Your standards will rise and fall based on who you associate with. You won’t believe how much stress is released once you decide to minimize your time with those who complain, play the victim role and make excuses.

Copyright © 2015 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Why Are You Not A Millionaire Yet?

Many people out there desperately want  to be millionaires, and why wouldn’t they? While money may not buy happiness it can buy a better, less stressful and more fulfilled life. However, before you can be a millionaire you need to have the right strategy and know the reasons why you haven’t met this goal already.

Everybody who wants to be millionaire but isn't has excuses. “I didn’t pick the right career,” “I can’t afford the schooling,” or “I don’t have time.” These are not reasons, but just excuses and excuses only get in the way of your success. Here are 10 reasons why people do not become millionaires.

1. You have no one guiding you in the right direction.
You need to surround yourself with positive people. Most importantly, you need to find someone you can trust that will help guide you in the right direction. The people you trust most should be the ones pushing you towards success. This is one advantage I did not have early on. I am entirely self-taught, which is why I have created my mentoring program to give that advantage to others.

2. You aren’t willing to make sacrifices.
You really cannot have your cake and eat it too, there are things that you will need to give up. If you can’t sacrifice things like hanging with friends or going out and partying in order to focus on your career, then you will never get the financial success you have been looking for.

3. You fear failure.
You will fail, you will make mistakes, and you need to learn to get over it. If you fear failure, you will never overcome it.

4. Your goals aren’t clear, so neither are your actions.
If you don’t have a clear goal in mind and clear action steps in place to reach that goal, you will never become a millionaire. Take the time to do the planning and do it right.

5. You think other people can succeed but not you.
Believe that you can succeed. Visualize yourself as that successful man or woman who you once envied. If you visualize yourself being a millionaire success, and truly believe it can happen, you are one step closer to your goal.

6. You think your background or location prevents your success.
Nothing can prevent you from success. Lets repeat that: nothing can prevent you from success.

7. You aren’t using the Internet.
The Internet has changed the world and it continues to change the world. If you aren’t using, you aren’t taking advantage of one of the most powerful money making tools out there.

8. You rationalize money can’t buy happiness and forget that it can buy freedom.
Money is your ticket to the freedom so many people want in this world. Freedom can lead to happiness. To find your motivation focus on the freedom that money can buy you.

9. You hang out with the wrong crowd.
The people around you should be your support system. They should be the people there for you, pushing you and keeping you positive and focused. Your crowd of friends and family should not be distractions or negative in any way. If they are, it is time to find a new crowd.

10. You play long shots like the lotto instead of building your skill set.
Building your own skill set and knowledge base is better for you in the long term. Sure, it takes more time and more work but it can lead you to the long-term success that you desire.

Keep these reasons in mind when you are working towards your next professional goal. You will see first hand what you are capable of if you just put these reasons off to the side and focus instead on your path towards becoming a millionaire.

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