Jumat, 14 November 2014

AIESEC INDONESIA Youth Leadership Conference November 2014

Yesterday, November 14th, 2014, we were invited as AIESEC Alumni to share our experience to all AIESEC New Members.

There were 2 questions from the audience that I think we all should always remember:

1. How AIESEC has impacted to your life?

2. What do alumni want and expect to the next generation?

These are two good questions.

1. AIESEC has impacted to our mindset. The mindset that will last until we die. It is the mindset that we are as individual should be part of solution to our surroundings. We must become an agent of change.

Ali Zaenal Abidin, President of AIESEC Indonesia 2005-2006, said, "it is not who we want to be, but what we want to do and contribute that matters".

2. We, alumni, have spent years in working environment and we found that the Indonesian generation is getting less struggle, less persistence.
We want the next generation to become generation who are Die Hard.
The generation who will Do The Best to any challenge comes across. Show your quality first, then you can earn later.

Viva young Indonesian!

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